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How To Protect Your Online Assets Interview With Karen Newton



What assets should you be protecting online?

  1. Your own content: Any content that you produce should be published to your own blog or website with other backups made elsewhere. 
  2. Your Important Videos should be saved and also uploaded to a reliable paid video hosting service. 
  3. Your Important Audios should be also be uploaded to a paid hosting service and backed up.
  4. Your important images logos and banners should also be saved and uploaded to multiple places
  5. Don’t trust the mainstream social networks, by all means, use them but don’t trust them, join alternative social networks as well click the link below to see the social networks I post in 

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How To Protect Your Online Assets Interview With Karen Newton

How To Increase Customer Retention

As you might already know, customer retention is one of the most challenging tasks for any company. Still, it’s an essential factor in improving your business’s profitability. A turnover can cost you much more than the resources you will use to retain them. Additionally, there are cases wherein you can find a 5% improvement in client retention resulting in a 95% increase in profit.


In light of this, having effective customer retention strategies is crucial to avoid costly turnovers. But there’s nothing to worry about because we’re here to help you along the process. Our article will give you some ways to help increase your customer retention rate. But first, let’s delve deeper into knowing what customer retention is all about.

What is Customer Retention? 

The process of attracting repeat consumers and preventing them from switching to a competitor is known as customer retention. It is a crucial component of a business strategy to increase profitability. 


Customer retention aims to maintain your customer base and boost loyalty. Thus, you want to ensure that the customers you’ve worked so hard for to turn from being prospects will stick around, doing business with you. We’ve put together a list of strategies to help improve customer retention. Here are a few:

1. Map Your Customer’s Journey. 

A customer journey is what you think it is: the experiences your customers have with your brand. Every step consumers take while interacting with your business, from the first encounter and purchase to the following transactions, is part of the customer’s journey. It’s not something you can presume or predict, but rather actual experiences you’ll only know by collecting feedback.


As a business owner, putting yourself in your customers’ shoes is crucial to understanding their needs and wants. And that’s what a client’s journey mapping is all about. You map your customers’ experiences on every touchpoint—from when they discover your brand to when they consume your products or services.


Doing this will help you learn how to connect with your customers better, address problems in advance, and find information to improve your business strategies, which are some factors of your client’s decisions for staying or leaving.

2. Offer A Personalized Experience. 

Every one of us has a unique set of preferences in everything. And nowadays, consumers are looking for brands that make them feel seen, understood, and valued. With this in mind, it is always best to consider these differences when dealing with customers. 


After learning about your customer’s experience across all touchpoints, the next thing you’d want to do is personalize the experience. Instead of giving canned responses, tailor your solutions to them. Doing this will help you build better relationships with them, which will increase your customer retention rate.

3. Provide Excellent Customer Service.

Another way to increase customer retention is providing excellent customer support or service. By proactively listening to your customers, understanding their situations, and resolving their issues quickly, you’re reducing the possibilities of churn. 


But that’s not all; you also have to ensure that your support systems effectively communicate and offer the right level of support. Empathize with your customers and make them comfortable talking to you. That way, they will feel that you care about them. Plus, using all these techniques in customer service can turn your unhappy customers into repeat or loyal ones.

4. Make your Customers Feel Safe.

Nowadays, customers look for brands that have built a reputation for making security a priority. Since customers entrust their information with businesses as they build a relationship, assuring them that you’ll keep that data safe is a must—for instance, ensuring your PCI DSS compliance


Adhering to a set of policies that protect the personal information of your customers is one step to making them feel safe about making connections with your company. And to build a good brand reputation, you’ll want to boost your compliance risk management. Simply having strong security measures leads to a more significant result in customer retention.

5. Create A Loyalty Program. 

Having loyalty programs is also helpful for your customer retention goals. By offering them rewards for continuous support, you’re giving them more reasons to stay with your brand. You can provide them discount coupons, vouchers, free shipping, and many other things. These programs will help you connect to your customers better, encouraging them to continue supporting your products and services.


Since a business is still a business, making it profitable is a must. What you can do is design it in a way that the more purchases they make, the more rewards they can get. By doing so, the transaction will benefit both of you—they continue to obtain more value from your store while you profit from their frequent purchases.

The Bottom Line

Your customers are the foundation of your company. Without them, you can never be successful. That said, it’s crucial to invest in customer retention after making efforts and using resources to acquire them. By following the strategies in this article, you’ll get good results in increasing customer retention in no time.

If you want to learn more about building an online business, visit us here.

4 Reasons Why You Should Boost Your Business’ Compliance Risk Management Today


Whether you’re a small business or a big industry, every organization is susceptible to unforeseen incidents, such as overhead costs, natural calamities, or employee injuries. Any of these could be disastrous and have severe repercussions for your company. That’s why having a compliance risk management strategy is essential to help you prepare for these unexpected events and protect your company from long-term damages. 


Multinational organizations have historically been the only ones to employ risk management, given their size and financial capabilities. But as a small business owner, it’s also essential to understand the value of this strategy since it enables you to identify your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which you can use to reduce and manage risks. While these things are true, there are still significant reasons why you should boost your business’ compliance risk management, and we’ll discuss them below. 

What is Risk Management? 

Risk management involves identifying potential dangers, problems, or disasters and implementing mitigation measures before they materialize. It also provides a documented description of the organization’s risk management process, so interested parties can proactively identify and evaluate the potential impact of all financial risks and other general hazards on their operations and develop suitable plans for each. Once someone identifies a threat, staff members regularly receive training to help avoid, reduce, or at the very least, cope with each risk’s effects.


According to Safe Work Australia, there are four steps in the risk management process. The first is identifying the risks and mapping out situations that can endanger people or resources. The second one involves risk assessment based on the severity of the risk, the effectiveness of the existing control measures, the actions needed to mitigate risks, and the urgency of the action. Third is putting efforts in place to minimize risks and knowing what to do if they materialize—and lastly, examining the procedure to find any potential dangers or additional opportunities that may have gone unnoticed.

Why You Should Boost Your Business’ Compliance Risk Management

Businesses need an effective risk management strategy because it can save overhead costs and motivate employees to work more wisely, efficiently, and productively. Aside from that, implementing such a plan assists you in succeeding, as it minimizes the effects of any adverse events or developments that could otherwise be disastrous to your company. To help you understand further, here are some reasons to boost your business’ compliance risk management. 

It Reduces Uncertainty

Any kind of uncertainty is detrimental to the company. Thus, understanding the ins and outs of your business organization is essential to know how to protect it. A thorough PESTLE study might be helpful since the more information you have about these factors, the less of a threat uncertainty poses to your organization. 


Businesses often operate in a complex ecosystem undergoing political, social, economic, and environmental change. Unexpected events in any of these areas could be harmful to your business. Knowing when your firm is likely to be harmed is one of the most critical components of risk management. Despite the hazards that organizations face, if you conduct a thorough risk assessment, you should be able to foresee and minimize them.

It Is Necessary for Efficient Planning

Business success rarely occurs by accident; it almost always derives from rigorous planning and execution. Unexpected events may have a detrimental effect on the success of your business if you do not have built-in countermeasures in your plans. Everything you attempt to accomplish will likely fail if you ignore risk management. Imagine a situation where you need to identify a risk to worker safety. An accident can cause worker injuries, reduced output, and, most likely, a costly lawsuit.


Another example is fraud. While you can use fraud prevention tools to protect your business against fraud, risk management is still crucial, as well as GDPR compliance, to place confidence among your customers that their data is protected. If you fail to meet these, you may need help to achieve the initial goals listed in your company strategy. However, your business may avoid these unforeseen incidents with sound risk management.

It Assists in Reducing Expenses and Losses

Risks can be divided into two categories according to how they affect your finances: income risk and expense risk. Any events or accidents that reduce your production or your ability to satisfy your consumers will result in a loss of income. Cost-related developments include those that raise production prices or other overhead expenditures. These changes could take a variety of forms. For example, a change in the legislation may result in more taxes or compliance expenses; alternatively, increased competition may result in increased marketing costs.


If you anticipate these risks, you can create advance action plans or avoid them. Setting aside a portion of your budget for such costs could prevent you from having to take out unplanned loans with excessive interest rates. Risk management will also increase the value of your assets. Take precautions to avoid potentially expensive costs due to asset destruction or damage. Losing essential investments can be costly, especially if your business is an SME.

It Helps to Improve Your Reputation

A solid risk management strategy helps present a positive image of your business. Internally, it inspires confidence in your leadership skills among your team members because a safe workplace also boosts morale. The ability of your business to continue serving consumers in the event of a disaster will significantly impact your brand, as it demonstrates your business’s dependability and the value of a strong professional culture that can endure setbacks.

Bottom Line 

Risk management is an effective way to help you save money and reduce workplace injury and other threats. It also enhances your brand image to look reputable to your customers. But for it to be effective, you must understand its fundamentals, so you would know how to mitigate potential problems for businesses.

5 Things to Consider when Looking for an apartment to rent in New York.

Finding a place to rent in New York can be challenging and not to be taken lightly. It might seem daunting, but you can find the perfect apartment for you 

Rental prices are set to grow consistently.  The average cost of rental in New York City is $3165, according to research by Zumper.

People are getting back to the city and rental accommodation is in demand, not just for students and professional workers. There are plenty of realtors at hand, but before you get in touch with them here are some things for you to consider that will save you time and stress along the way. 

1. Decide what you want

Think of every possible important detail for you. Make a list with the must-have features and another one with the “dealbreakers”.

Most letting agents don’t advertise everything that is available to rent. By being very clear about what you want you are putting yourself into a better negotiating position. Think about what is really important for you and what will suit your needs and you are very likely to find it faster. 

2. Get every detail about how much Exactly your Monthy rent will be

Ask if the utilities are included. If you are using a broker, find out how much is their fee and if it is included in the rent. Familiarise yourself with every possible essential bill, that might be included. If it is not, get quotes as soon as possible and remember to include them in the rent. 

Learn the difference between the advertised price and what you would be actually paying per month. An apartment might be listed with a month or two with “free” rent. This does not mean that you will not be paying any rent. It means that the price is calculated based on how many months you are renting that place for.

Most of the places will also require a minimum stay which will be clearly stated. Pay attention to these details, as this can make a big difference in your monthly budget. Knowing exactly how much you will be paying each month in advance will give you a certain peace of mind and help you plan your finance accordingly.

3. Use the online listings as a starting point

The listings placed on the realtor’s websites are only a starting point for your search. The chances, that you will get that exact apartment are very slim.

Listings change very often and not every good deal is listed online. Use the online listing to get to know the market in terms of prices and conditions. Having prior knowledge will help you choose the right place for you easier and faster. Once you have seen a few properties you will have a better understanding of what to expect from your budget. If you are using a broker you may benefit from asking them to provide you with their pre-screen listings.

4. Visit your desired neighborhood when it gets dark

This is a good idea especially if you are relocating from a completely different area. You will get to know your area a bit better, not just in terms of noise and traffic but also how it looks during the night. If you can pay another visit at the weekend which will give you another point to consider. Maybe being close to a cafe or restaurant might not be such a good idea.

Experts Say
“If you’ve identified the perfect apartment, go back a few different times throughout the day. Go in the morning, midday, and again in the evening. What is the street life like at 10/11 pm at night? Pay close attention to the immediate surroundings and walk up and down the block and a few avenues. Is there a fire station one avenue away that you will hear in the middle of the night?”
— Sabina Sangha, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson at CompassExperts 

5. Take measurements and pictures (if possible)

If you are bringing your own furniture it will be a good idea to have detailed measurements from inside the apartment. Take photos of the outside of the building and the front door. Measure the size of the door too, to make sure that your furniture can go in. Some realtors will not allow you to take pictures and if this is the case you can simply draw the room on a piece of paper.

Overall remember to get to know your neighborhood, your prices, and your broker before you put your signature on the bottom of the contract. 


Looking for a place to rent in New York is a fun adventure for you. Get to know the area by visiting Zumper listings. 

5 Things to Consider when Looking for an apartment to rent in New York

Huge applause to the internet and smartphone founders who revolutionized the IT sector. So if you are interested in starting your own online business, do not give a second thought. This era that we are living in an Internet-driven era. News spreads faster on the internet than through any other channel. Perhaps the internet is overpowering other channels because of the higher internet penetration rates.


Nearly every brick mortar store has been transitioned to an online e-store due to huge advancements in the e-commerce industry. You may feel that the only people making business are gigantic platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, or other famous platforms. But the truth is they became famous because they were the first of their kind, in this genre. Paytm – the first-ever mobile commerce application has become an everyday go-to app for us. Paytm kyc online verification is mandatory to continue with the services provided by Paytm. So in a similar manner, once you have an online presence, advancements and changes will keep ongoing.


Now the question of the hour – How can you take the lead out of this massive ocean of internet? I myself was tired of my desk job, it felt like my life is slipping away right in front of me and I am helpless, unable to do anything about it. But then, one day I introspective about what I really want. This life-changing moment comes in everyone’s life, hope you all also find one 🙂


There are so many ways to become rich using the internet – become a freelancer, become a consultant, start your own marketing services, start your own youtube channel, start selling online and so much more. You have to just find what is right for you and get started.

Here are a few business ideas that can help you make money by starting an online business.



  • SEO Services


People think of many small business ideas and SEO Service is also one of them. Search Engine Optimization increases the online presence of web pages to increase traffic. It is a growing industry with multitudinous opportunities. The basic criteria to have an online presence is to create a website. To increase the traffic, your content must be compelling, which answers all the questions of the searcher. 


SEO is going to be more lucrative with the advancements on the internet. Research shows that its demand is going to increase in the coming years is not necessary to work for clients, in the beginning, you can create your own website for the purpose of blogging by selecting any niche of your interest with the correct SEO skills. So it is an easy method to earn.


In the long run, it won’t be difficult to get clients because this domain is evergreen and would never fade away. People will never stop building websites. So once any website is built, SEO is a vital part. Without SEO online presence and traffic won’t be achieved. Thus SEO is an inseparable part of the internet. So one can easily earn a good amount of money.



  • Online Teaching or Domain Expert



You might be an expert in Maths, Physics, Coding, language, or any other domain. There are so many online teaching platforms out there. Amidst of the coronavirus, online teaching is the new school. State code GSTYou can start with basic and general topics. If you have expertise in business or an in-depth knowledge that you can help other people to set up a business of their own, you can definitely start an online teaching portal.


The best attitude in this teaching industry is to provide beyond belief value for which people pay. Make sure you provide value education. Business coach experts try to analyze the current situation of the business, where they want to be down the line in the upcoming years and then provide a way to their clients to achieve their dreams, which is absolutely worth every penny.


I believe there is nothing as worthy as sharing knowledge and making a great value out of it. So folks, get started today. Start with small, approach some customers and help them achieve their goals. Post their extremely powerful testimonials on your portal to reach out to larger audiences.



  • Ad Services and Online Marketing



Top platforms such as Facebook, Youtube earn a huge amount of money through ads.  So looking at these huge tech giants, look at how you can reach massive riches using ad services.

In this highly competitive market, online business owners pay huge amounts of money to drive traffic from ads. So if you are a pro in ads services – retargeting, understand the audience, etc, it is a very complex process. However, if you are an expert in it, you can start with your own Ad service and online marketing agency.


Explosive growth in Online ads is expected in the future. We are still in the beginning phase of the internet. So the earlier you start on this business, the quicker you can start earning in the long run.


Online marketing and affiliate marketing are few of the marketing tactics people usually follow these days to grab the attention of the audience. Powerful marketing strategies help out to earn new potential customers and earn profits. All the online e-commerce and other e-stores hire professionals for marketing and pay huge amounts of money. So once you have gained enough knowledge you can get started.


  • Online Blogging



What do we do when we have questions in our minds? Most of us google it. The topic could be anything – GST registration online or any other. Do you have robust knowledge which you can share with other people?  You could be an expert in sharing new recipes, traveling hacks, new languages, or maybe any other thing. Whatever it is, you can easily share this with others by starting to create blogs.


Choose a blog template, various free platforms are available like WordPress. Look out for your niche and start writing. It is as simple as that. It is about sharing what you already know. I feel when someone is emotionally involved and loves what they are passionate about, they are genuinely interested in sharing. So online blogging will help you earn money, but along with that, it will let you do what you really love.



  • Incubation Center



Create a space for those in need where they can learn new development skills. You can get paid to teach those skills. In this space, you can also welcome new ideas, where people can share and explore new opportunities. People these days do not want to work or do desk jobs, they want to become entrepreneurs. So starting up this center will always be in profits as the opportunities are endless.


If you are passionate about anything, you can even start creating webinars. You can keep an entry fee. In the beginning keep it lower, once you have enough audience, and trust gained among the audience, later you can increase the fees, well it is a personal choice.


Apple has a feature known as screen time that shows the screen time of the phone. i.e the time that you used the phone. A study suggests that the average screen time among the users is 4 hours. Where do you think these people spend this time?

Most of the time is spent on social media. The platform is so engaging that people never get bored of it. Business is not a game of luck but a game of skills. If you wish to beat your opponent, you have to see the right opportunity and you have to act on it. In this instance, it’s the impact of social media.

I had no idea that out there, there is a brand known as FOREVER 21, but when it launched its first showroom in India, the brand made sure that everyone would know them and they did it very beautifully and effectively using social media. Similarly, there are so many marketplaces online where you can start selling without building up your own website you can become a Shopclues Seller, Flipkart Seller, Paytm Seller or Snapdeal Seller.

This is the power of social media and this is what all businesses want from their social media platform. But they should understand that this is not an overnight job and they have to be patient to get such results. Other benefits of social media are as follows:

  1. Target a specific audience
  2. Higher traffic
  3. Increased brand awareness
  4. Improved search engine ranking
  5. Higher conversion rates
  6. Better customer satisfaction
  7. Improved brand loyalty
  8. Cost-effective
  9. More brand authority
  10. Helps to gain market insights

Social Media can also play a vital role when any seller wants to sell on amazon and showcase the products to the millions of customers worldwide.If you want these benefits, here are some tips you should try for your social media’s success:

1.   Know your competition:

This is the only place where having competition is good news.

Many businesses are not able to use social media platforms efficiently as they do not know which platform to target and which is the right audience. Well, this problem is solved by your competition in this case.

Search for your competition and find which sites they are using. Register on the same platforms and then you can adjust your strategy. The advice is to target the big fish as they are obviously doing it right and thus they have that much followers and engagement.

Learn from them and then you can adjust your project scope accordingly. Now that you know which social media platform you have to target and know the right audience, you can now compare their posts and engagement rates with yours. This way you will know which type of content works best with your audience and then you can post accordingly.

2.   Be committed:

You are checking your competition just to know what they are doing right. You cannot expect the same result as they have been there for ages now and you are a newbie here. You have to understand that this will take time, but only those who are able to benefit from the fruit name social media marketing are dedicated enough to wait.

It’s hard to create great content, come up with something different, grow an audience and increase engagement, this is the reason why many small businesses give up after a few months. But has anything great come at no cost? Here, commitment is the cost.

It will take about 8 months to a year to get good engagement. It all depends on the planning. Make an annual plan and stay committed. If there is a deviation, correcting it is an option but giving up is not. You can use a project management tool to create your plan and then you can compare what went wrong or where the deviation was.

3.   Listen to customers rather than promoting:

If people just want to see your products then they can visit your website, so why should they stay connected to you over social media platforms? Well, give them a reason!

Build your social media platform around listening to your customers, rather than just promoting your business. Social media is much more than just promoting your business, it is a platform where you can communicate with your customers or future ones.

People are looking at social media pages as a place where all their queries can be solved and they can be served better. Be open to all the questions as a happy customer will become your best customer as they will share this happy incident with friends and family and thus they will also become your customer.

Moreover, no one is better than your customer for inspiration for your content. Social media is a goldmine of content. See what people are doing and engage with them so that you can get more inspiration and ideas and thus you would be able to upload really great content.

 social media tips for small business owners

4.   Make your customers feel engaged:

People trust people and not faceless brands.

You should respond to all the posts that are directly addressed to you and the hashtags too. Don’t be that girl that looks at everything and replies to nothing. If people are mentioning your brand, you should have the courtesy to reply to them.

This is best shown by Mcdonalds, in one incident, a girl tweeted that she misses Mcdonalds, and in reply to her tweet, Mcdonalds replied that they miss her too by mentioning her name. Make sure that you personalize all your activities.

By greeting all the customers by their name states that you care for them and that all the messages are carefully crafted.

5.   Post frequently:

People will not go to the search bar to search for your name and see your posts. They will see only what the sites show them and the sites will show them what they have liked the most and the posts that were recently posted.

This shows people that you are active and on top of the latest trends.

The followers want to know all the latest information the moment it occurs and therefore you should post as frequently as you can. If you want the follower to keep following you and be engaged at the same time, once a month post won’t work. You should post at least once a week and with the introduction of stories, you have to post the stories every day.

So, for all the people who are planning to start an ecommerce business, start with blogging on your site with topics such as how to use paytm which is a simple topic and could be understood by anyone.

6.   Engage with the latest trends and issues:

I follow a page that posts facts over Instagram and today only I came across a fact that stated that all project management and task management software is seeing a 20% growth in the traffic due to the work from home situation following coronavirus.

Someone’s loss is someone’s gain. This has always been how business works. You just have to recognize when it is your time. And this is clearly the time of task, project and work management software. Such software is offering special discounts because of the coronavirus and is earning tons of customers. You just have to learn how to turn a situation in your favour.

7.   Make your posts visual:

Some people use just simple letters for their captions and some use emoticons.

You are addressing all the people and therefore you should use all the available things to make your content appealing to all the people. Make your content different every time. You should use images, GIFs, videos, etc. to make your post more interesting. There should be something for everyone.  This will highly benefit your post’s accessibility.

Author Bio:

Mohit is an ECommerce Enthusiast and Owner of MohitECommerce. He is Working With Many Vendors in Different Categories of Products Across Various Marketplaces. He is Very Good at Amazon Seller Training, Amazon FBA, Amazon Seller Registration, Amazon Brand Registry, Amazon Account Suspended (Making Plan of Action). He Likes To Help All Type of Businesses Mainly Small and Medium Businesses Which are eager to Step in Online Business. 

This entry is a kind contribution from Mohit Sharma




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