What’s The Difference Between Facebook Pages vs. Facebook Profiles
Every day I see people who think that having an online business is rocket science, when the truth is with what we have available today it is actually really simple. I remember recently deciding to order a meal from a local Asian Takeaway so I did what everyone else would do.
I pulled out my smartphone and typed in the name of the business to Google. Unfortunately there was no sign of it on Google and no way online for me to get their telephone number. So I went in person and mentioned to the owner that he was nowhere to be found in Google he just shrugged his shoulders.
At that point I asked myself a question? How many people type their name into Google and get the same result or answer? I am sure there must be a few so I did a little experiment I created a blog post about the business giving their telephone number and a few other details and within a short time using a viral blogging system was ranking on no 1 for their name?
Since then I have noticed a crazy amount of traffic coming on to my blog from that search term on Google.. Thankfully for the owner of the business I am friendly with them and I am not a competitor, and for free I am advertising their business on Google in exchange for a few regular new visitors to my blog.
I see this all the time I had a conversation with a friend of mine a few years ago for a product they where selling and proved to them by just setting up a site I could get payments coming in for a business I knew nothing about and outsource the work to him.
The bottom line is if you are not online with your business no matter what it is then you are throwing money down the toilet daily. To your competitors or just by blatantly losing clients or sales. Getting your own viral blog or website is not rocket science in fact you can get one today see for yourself
Look it is really this simple you are maybe trying to do the same thing you have always done over and over again and hoping to make more money?
Albert Einstein Once Said
The Definition Of Insanity Is Doing The Same thing Over And Over Again
And Expecting A Different Result
So you have two choices continue what you have been doing and try to prove Albert Einstein is wrong?
Or take some good advice and start systemising your online business or generate customers for your offline business online. 🙂
Setting up a new Fiverr seller account is pretty self explanatory and with a little bit of thought you can come up with some great ideas along the way.
One thing that people do get stuck on is on how to upload the right size image for your gig, or how to resize your image so that it works, and can be uploaded on Fiverr.
One thing you need to remember about your Fiverr image is that it must not be a copyright image that someone else owns. It must be either your own image or one that is free from any copyright restrictions.
You also need to have a separate image for each Fiverr gig that you create. You cannot use the same image in all your gigs ..
So now that those two things are out of the way here are the exact sizes for your Fiverr Gig Image
It Needs To Be
459 in Width x 692 High
Go To Ipiccy.com Or Ribbett.com
Click On The Yellow Start Editing Button
Then Click Upload Photo Button And Pick A Photo To Upload From Your Computer
Your Picture Will Then Appear Like Below
Then Press The Button On The Left Hand Side That Says Resize Image Or Alternatively If The Picture Is Bigger You Can Press The Crop Picture Button And Crop It To Size
Then Untick The Constrain Proportions Button
And Type in Width 459 And 692 Height
Your Picture will change size if it looks out of proportion then use the crop facility instead
Make sure to always save any changes before proceeding to the next step.
Then Click The Blend Layer Button in The Top Middle Above where your picture is.
Then once you have done that click the T for text button
Then Click Where In The Picture You Want To Add The Text And Type In Your Text In The Box On The Left Hand Side Then Press Save Changes When You Are Finished
Click the black save button on top right to save your picture.
Here is the resized picture below
Then upload it on Fiverr when required for your New Gig
PS: Everything starts in your mind and you are the
magician who can change your world