Archives For Marketing Strategies and Tips

Digital finance has become a fundamental way of spending and making money. E-commerce accounts for over 20% of all total global retail sales, and it’s only bound to get bigger as the years pass.  That’s why it’s such a ripe opportunity for digital marketers to expand their clientele.

However, simply adapting traditional methods to phones and computers isn’t enough. New strategies and technologies are developed every day, but there are fundamental tenets you can ascribe to that makes digital marketing a solid choice for the finance industry.

Digital Methods

Financial businesses need to develop a custom-made digital strategy centered around their customers for effective customer acquisition. The focus is on using data to make informed decisions and using technology to meet customer needs.

Rather than just transferring traditional marketing methods to the online environment, digital marketing’s strengths lie in what traditional marketing can’t accomplish. Its incredible reach and speed of implementation are unmatched, so think big with your methods.

Understanding Data

Data is crucial in digital marketing. It provides important insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and financial habits. This information allows financial companies to create specific and personalized approaches, leading to improved customer retention.

On a  personal level, data also helps marketers understand their customers better. The “feeling of being marketed to” is often the result of marketers not quite honing on what their customers want. Hard data makes marketers more in tune with what the trends are saying.

Individual Approach

A strategy that personalizes marketing messages to fit specific customer profiles increases customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. Personalization comes from effective data understanding and is crucial for successful digital marketing. 

As mentioned above, data helps marketers be more personal, and this is where they can manifest that to customers. Chatbots, consensual targeted marketing, special offers, and even just holding conversations with customers through comments are better when backed by digital data.

Streamlined Marketing

Streamlining was difficult in the days before the internet. There was no way to see what every business was doing with their style at a moment’s notice. For example, the infamous story where Ray Kroc got angry at his partners in franchising for diverting too far from the McDonald’s identity that he wanted to build.

Marketing automation technology helps to make marketing tasks more efficient and improves the customer experience. This technology assists in ensuring that your brand, no matter where in the world, can provide the same, reliable service that it does on its home turf.

Online Networking

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are the new faces of online marketing. Being active on these platforms and sharing important content is crucial for growth in the modern market. Social media allows that personal touch that many other methods of online marketing simply don’t allow for.

It’s good to maximize all those platforms, but make sure to give priority to the ones giving you the most engagement. That usually means the audience you want is right there.  Paired with Search engine optimization (SEO),  you’ll be providing valuable content, ensuring mobile-friendly web design, and building trust with potential customers.

Website Refinement

The process of improving your website to enhance the customer experience is called conversion optimization. This may involve simplifying website navigation, improving the landing page, or reducing the number of steps to complete a transaction. Remember, most people only spend a few seconds on most sites.

If their first impression is anything negative, this significantly reduces the chances of them visiting your website again. A responsive website that’s clear about where things are supposed to go makes loyal customers. Your website is your virtual headquarters. Nobody wants a headquarters where the floor is wet and the power is always out.

Providing Quality

The biggest mistake that many marketers make is that marketing is all there is. There’s bragging about “being able to sell water to a fish”, but that’s the type of marketing that only works once. If people catch on to the fact that you’re overhyping a service, negative word-of-mouth will overpower any good marketing on your part.

Creating valuable, relevant, and engaging content can significantly increase customer acquisition. Content that explains difficult financial concepts, provides investment insights or offers financial advice can attract potential customers and establish your business as a trusted source of financial information.

Final Note

Digital marketing is a strategic approach to customer acquisition in the financial world. It is about understanding the customer, using data to make decisions, and using technology to improve processes. The fundamentals above will get your foot in the door, but digital marketing is a multi-headed beast.

There are so many ways to tackle it, and it seems every secret uncovered leads you down a rabbit hole of more strategies. Stick to what’s trusted as a safety net, but never allow yourself to stagnate. In the competitive financial sector, digital marketing provides an irrefutable advantage.

Chris Howard One on One with Jay Abraham



Chris Howard One on One with Jay Abraham

Chris Howard one on one with Brendon Burchard



Chris Howard one on one with Brendon Burchard

h3>Chris Howard one on one with Bill Bartmann



Chris Howard one on one with Bill Bartmann

Life Will Never Be The Same..

Sotiris  —  February 21, 2015

Life Will Never Be The Same..

Join Me In My Main Online Business Below…

P.S. Building a business that can change your life rarely takes weeks or months in fact it takes years so if you are in it for the short term or looking big money today.. Then forget it go look for a high paying job..

And Most Importantly Always Have A Call To Action On Every Piece Of Content You Ever Produce If You Want To Get Paid..

The truth is when it comes to my business I only want people who are willing to do what it takes to make a lot of money in this business,  So far I have made well over $30k online from this one business so  far.

So I am looking for commitment what you will get in return is personal access to me over Skype, Facebook or even a personal visit whenever I am near your country or  location. Just last week I visited one of my team members in Athens, Greece.


So if you are ready and committed to do what it takes to set up an online business  then

Click Here To Join My Team.

Join at At Least the 15k Level if You want to make a lot of money..

If you are are happy with small $25 commissions then join at $25 but if you are then you are kinds of missing the potential of this business..

2 $1000 sales a month is a 2k a month monthly income and I guarantee you is a lot easier than making 80 x $25 sales a month.

In fact 30% of people who join go in at the $1000 level So 8 $25 sales a month will get you $2200 to $3200  of course if you join at the $25 level you pass up those 2 or 3 thousand dollar commissions as you didn’t own the $1000 product to sell it and it will go to me or one of my upline.  The choice is entirely yours..

I have two team members who have lost in excess of $4000 commissions from not owning products  the question is who will be next.  Definitely not me:-)

My advice to you if you are serious about making money is

Join Our Team Today for $47

Buy The Products

Get plugged into our training and webinars and connect with me personally on Facebook  and we can start to get your online business moving..

You can get started today for only $47



Anything you do in life would be pointless without a purpose, finding our purpose is a very important part of our journey in life. To me one of the things I love the most about what I do is the Freedom.My purpose is freedom,freedom to chose,freedom to be with my family,and freedom from the rat race. The first step in achieving freedom is believing in it..  If you want to experience freedom and levitate to another level..

Life Will Never Be The Same..

Are You A Webinar Training Addict?

Have you ever met someone before at a seminar,webinar or live event and had a conversation with them.  Next thing you get talking about the other webinars, seminars, trainings they have been too or are going too.

Don’t get me wrong I am a big believer in training and learning from successful people.

But here is where I have a little difficulty!

When I see the same people over and over again going to trainings, webinars events.  They maybe spend anywhere from 1 Hour to three days of their life at this event.  Someone takes their time to teach them step by step exactly what they need to do. That sounds pretty good to me what about you?

Unfortunately that is not the end of the story.  I remember well over  10 years ago I used to buy and fix up and rent properties I went to an event about Property Investment I paid about £800 to go to the basic property investment course.  I used my American Express credit card to pay for the course and when I told a few friends they thought I was nuts.  They told me I had been ripped off.

I went to that training and got enough information from it that I then decided to upgrade and do a Platinum training which was about 12 Thousand Pounds at the time .  It included about 5 different courses on property investment and I had to fly over and stay a weekend in London each time.   After the 5 courses I got a three day mentorship with a Property Millionaire who would go out with me to make deals on various properties.

The £800 I paid for the first seminar taught me enough creative strategies to make about 25k 2 weeks later and I ended up going out and buying plots of land and also some more houses/apartments.

The bottom line was over the property boom and bust I got a lot of money from stuff and strategies I learned by doing the courses.  The reason for that was I took action.  I borrowed the money took loans, invested where many people wouldn’t have dared and did pretty good out of it.

Now obviously this blog is not about property investing it is about Internet Marketing, Webinars And trainings.   But the thing is when I was at a bunch of these seminars there was a woman in her forties about 12 years older than me who had paid about £28k to do every property course under the sun..  lol

The thing was me and a friend of mine went to chat to her and found out the course she was doing was one of her last trainings so of course we asked how many properties have you got.

By this stage my friend had bought about 15 properties and I had got about 4 .  She said to us I got the keys to look at a property the other day but I think I am going to give the keys back because there might be something funny going on with the deal.


Can You See Anything Wrong Here?


This woman spend a fortune on her education and never even took the first step on her journey!!  How Bloody Crazy Is That??

I see so many people telling me about this training and that training . I went to this webinar and learned this then another training and another  and I am going to one tonight what now?

Did you make the video like it said? No

Did you a do a blog post? No

Did you Syndicate it to 30 Facebook Groups

Did You Post any blog comments? No

Did you setup a paid Ad  Today? No

Did you setup a Facebook Ad Today?  No

Did you post any banner ads today?  No


The Moral Of The Story If You Don’t Do The Stuff They Teach You.   Then Until You Do!!


Doing All This Stuff Without Action Is A Waste Of Your Time!!!  And Mine..





Unfortunately Internet Marketing is exactly the same!!  There are so many people who are out there looking for the secret to get rich online but they haven’t done anything close to what they need to.  If they really want to be successful, I don’t believe they do because success is a very strong, hunger burning desire and you have to have a strong reason and be excited and take the action necessary.

Yes you have got to do whatever it takes if you want to stand out from the rest of the stoogies online..  That my friend is a fact  🙂

In the past I think I have offended a few people  in fact I think some of the people maybe thought they where the greatest thing on earth and me telling the truth didn’t stand well with them.

The truth is I don’t give a fuck.. 

I care about helping them to grow a successful business,  but many people just don’t care and that is just a fact!!  Yes, You can take the horse to water but you cannot make it drink..

Like Jim Rohn Said The Birds Are Gonna Get Some..


How do you know someone is not going to make a success of something?

They bury their head in the sand and keep it there.

They are scared to call their upline because they quit.

They are scared to call their upline because they didn’t do all the things they should and felt guilty.

They are scared to call their upline because they heard from a loser or told themselves a BS story and a call to their upline might change their view on that.


It’s human instinct 

If people feel bad or feel like they failed at something they don’t want to talk to anyone who didn’t ..

The last person they want to see in fact is their upline because they can tell themselves a story and make excuses without getting an answer.

They can make one up that sits well with their conscience


But actually making the call.  The call to their prospect to find out what is holding them back.

The call to their upline to say listen I fucked up but I am ready to go  back on track.


The Truth Is My Friends Some Have The Balls To Do It …  MOST DON’T!!


Bottom line is 95% Of People Are Quitters That Is Proven Statistic In Home Based Businesses..


So I Am Not Gonna Feel Guilty About The Losers because losing is a choice YOU make by Quitting...


Or In Some Cases Doing Fuck All To Begin With….



Here is what I am going to tell you my friends…

I am in a business which has paid out well over 160,000,000 Dollars in commissions in the last three years.


There Three Year Goal Is To Pay Out Over 1 Billion Dollars in Commissions


So far I have been paid nearly 50k and believe me, during that time there was a lot of times when I was being a lazy bastard.


I wonder what would have happened if I never got lazy.


During that time our company made a few mistakes one being the ENV2 Blog which wasn’t on WordPress and lost our company over 4 Million Organic Search Engine hits a month.


The Good News Is That’s Over We Now have the best viral blogging system on the market..


Top conversion SEO and Blogging Experts working for us 24/7 to make us the most amount of money in the fastest possible time.



Trainings from a lot of the top online marketers and bloggers in our industry…

Only one question I still want to ask you at this stage is?


What the F*&£  are you waiting for?


Click the button below to get started right for $47 now  Or You Can




Are You A Webinar Training Addict?

Getting Content For a New Blog

Sotiris  —  January 27, 2014

Why You Should Become An Affiliate Today

Recently, I wrote an article explaining the different types of affiliate marketing. Today I want to explain why you should become an affiliate, even if you already sell your own products. I can personally attest to the success of affiliate marketing because I’ve walked this path. I’ve sold over $2.1 million just by selling other people’s stuff. That’s a lot of money! If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should try affiliate marketing, let me give you three reasons why you’re missing out by not starting today.

Reason Number One – Simply put, affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started in internet marketing. If you’re a newbie or whether you’ve had a list for awhile now, affiliate marketing is simple. You sign up as an affiliate. You mail out an email to your list. Then you watch the cash come in.

Reason Number Two – There’s less work involved for you. The great thing about being an affiliate is that you don’t have to spend your time and energy creating a product. On top of that, you don’t have to handle the transactions or the customer support. Anyone who has created a product before knows that you don’t just sell and you’re done. After you sell, you have to handle any support questions or problems people may have with your product. As an affiliate, all those issues are sent to the person who created or launched the product. Less work for me is always a bonus.

Reason Number Three – I know that I cannot create everything for everyone. You can’t either. If there is a product that my list desires, something I think they would want or need, and I can’t produce it, I will go out and find that product. Part of having a list means knowing exactly what your list wants and you won’t always be able to provide them with the products they’re looking for. Me personally, I know I don’t have enough time or enough people on my staff to create products all the time for my list. Luckily for me, I can easily search and find the right product that will match my list.

Now I’ve had people who say, oh that’s all fine and good Matt but I’m planning on creating this product for my list and I don’t want to sell any products like it because I don’t want to be competing against that product when I sell my own. There’s a couple things I want you to keep in mind if you are one of those people planning on creating a product for your list. First of all, what if you never create that product? And who’s to say that if you do create it, that people will actually buy it? One of the great things about selling affiliate products is that you can find out what sells to your list. Why waste your time and energy creating a product that you don’t know if anybody wants to buy? Why not allow people to vote with their wallet? For example, if you’re planning on creating a course on YouTube, go find affiliate products for YouTube. Once you see how your list responds, you’ll know whether or not you should spend your time creating a YouTube course.

In conclusion, if you’re not already selling affiliate products, you need to get started today. It’s easy, less time consuming than creating your own products and you can’t create everything for everyone. So what are you waiting for?

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine.

Click Here To Get Your Own Affiliate Blog

Why You Should Become An Affiliate Today

The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

I just logged into my blog to do a blog post and saw the New High Traffic Academy join button..  I am trained as soon as I see an EN product to buy if I had any doubt I wouldn’t have earned over 28k In Empower Network..  If you have or are expecting to have members  join you? Then there really is no point in losing any extra pass up commissions. Plus commissions from your own sales as well. You can buy the product  by logging into your EN backoffice..  Like I said  I don’t even need to blink an eyelid thinking about this one..  😉

By The Way Here Is An Email I Got From One Of My Team Today 🙂

I LOVE Seeing Emails Like This 🙂 

You won’t believe what happened to me today!

The unconscious mind is a powerful thing. In fact it is what is driving your entire life.

It is crucial to understand how it works and how to reprogram it. Over this year we are going to be learning how to do this. The daily statements and questions are an integral part of it, so if you have been playing along then you will already be on track.

You didn’t get an email from me for a few days as I was experiencing massive resistance from my unconscious mind. It happens every year at exactly this time. I will talk about the reasons why in future emails.

This resistance often manifests as an actual physical injury amongst other things. A few years ago I sustained a shoulder injury, which took almost a year to recover from. Last year I got the worst blisters I have ever had while walking the Camino De Santiago, and a few days ago I pulled a muscle in my back while doing a forward bend in yoga, and I do forward bends everyday!

I used to think that the resistance belonged to me and so it was something that I just waded through and dealt with each year. I had a realisation today that the resistance wasn’t actually mine, but I was carrying someone else’s resistance, which sounds weird, I know.

A thought came to me which said “what if this resistance wasn’t actually mine?” then, “What if this pain in my back wasn’t actually mine?” I immediately started to feel lighter and a space opened up in my consciousness. I then asked “Who does this resistance belong to?” and poof an image of a person came to my mind and the resistance lifted immediately.

I was on my way to see my chiropractor when I went through this process and then my session with him was amazing. He pin pointed where the physical weakness was in my back and after a quick adjustment my back returned to full strength.

I then returned home and checked my online business account to see that I had made $1600 on autopilot that morning. The rest of my day has been enjoyable and productive. How does it get any better than that?

I tell you this completely true story to let you know that asking the right question at the right time can completely change your life.

So todays power question to add to your arsenal is “Who does this belong to?

You can ask this when you are experiencing physical, mental or emotional pain, or like me, just experiencing a general resistance to life. If you start feeling lighter after asking the question then you will know that the pain or resistance does not belong to you. You can then simply say, “disperse this into space“.

Todays power statement is: “Every adversity holds within it a seed of equal or greater benefit!”

Todays inspiring video:


Money Doesn’t Buy You Happiness!  Or does it?

The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

The Stages Of Entrepreneurship – A Guide For Entrepreneurs

The Stages Of Entrepreneurship – A Guide For Entrepreneurs


The Best Network Marketing Plans And Tips

When you start network marketing, it can be overwhelming. After all, you’re really running two businesses. On the one hand, you are selling a product. On the other hand, you are recruiting others to sell the same product. Both areas deserve your full attention, and here are some tips to make sure you succeed with both.


In order to be successful with networking marketing, it is important to have a solid customer base to build upon. This audience is the grounds for promoting the product or service that you are looking to spread the word about. It can be beneficial to take the time to cater the product or service that you are promoting to the appropriate audience, in order to maximize your overall effectiveness.

Use your own experience in recommending your product. Use your earnings and income to show that it is possible to make money in the effort. Network marketing is about convincing people that this venture is worth their time and few things work as well as personal recommendations and proof.

Picking your spots in network marketing is incredibly important. You won’t be able to pitch a product to just anyone. Make sure you’re sticking with a niche market and always advertising to those people more likely to join your network. Remember, there’s something in it for them too, so make sure they know it.

When you are writing copy for your network marketing website, consider how genuine you sound. If you claim to only be out to make profits for your downline, people will think you’re full of garbage. If you say that you love the good feeling you get when you see how much money your downline is making, that sounds more honest and is therefore more believable.

Sponsoring a charity can help you get the word out about your business. Often, sponsorships come in various levels based on how much you donate, so you can be flexible about how much you have to give. This will get your name out to hundreds or thousands of people locally who may be interested in what you’re doing.

Take advantage of training provided and any workshops that are offered. Most business owners do not take advantage of these things, but they are often presented to you when you join up with a network marketing business opportunity. Make sure you take part in these, and stay focused on your success.

When beginning to work in network marketing, it is important to set goals. In order to succeed in network marketing as a business tactic, you must be constantly focused on your success and the steps you need to take to get there. You may go through periods where you have very little success, but keeping your eyes on your goals should help you soldier through.

One way to determine how much you need to deal with an emergency situation is to add up all of your monthly expenses and then multiply by nine. Network marketing can help you to start earning the income you need to establish your emergency fund.

Don’t expect to get rich instantly using network marketing. Networking marketing is a business like any other. Therefore, the more work you do, the more money you’ll earn. If you only work a few hours a week, you’ll earn pay commensurate with those hours. You have to treat network marketing like a job, and not a hobby, if you want to see serious income.

The second person is your friend when you speak to potential network marketing recruits. Make an effort to talk about “you” and “yours” much more than you talk about “me” and “mine.” When you attempt to recruit someone into your program, the decision ultimately lies with them. Concentrating on them rather than yourself encourages them to feel empowered to commit to that decision.

Don’t stop doing research on how to do your job better. Knowledge is key. If you want to be successful always keep learning. Get information online, from other colleagues, or read a book but devote time each month to learning something new that you can use.

Do not spend a lot of money on a seminar or training method before doing some research on it. You can find a lot of websites advertising miracle marketing methods: if someone is advertising incredible results and promises that you will make a huge amount of money, this is probably a scam.

Regularly advertise current deals on your website and in newsletters and keep the advertisements updated.If your doing a product launch you can use these platforms for new customer opportunities too.

Network marketing involves getting people within your business to make contacts that could lead to expanding your business. Creating an effective team who will market your products, while you expand your business in other ways, can be an invaluable asset.

If you have a commute by car, then you have a great opportunity to boost your knowledge. Many people have forgotten about books on tape but these can be a great way to learn more about marketing. Try listening to one of these books on tape, for a few weeks in your car and see if it helps you.

A key to network marketing is to have an internet presence. It does not have to be a custom and expensive website, but a simple blog might be all that you need. Every business has a website these days; it adds legitimacy to a business. If your network marketing business does not have a website, make one now.

Learn all you can about the product you’re selling, and become an expert in your field. If you lack passion, you will not encourage others to purchase the product that you are trying to sell. Your passion for your industry should be readily apparent to everybody you work with.

Even though network marketing can be a challenge, if you know how to manage the two sides of your business you’ll be fine. Use the tips in this article to better help you manage both the sales and the recruitment parts of your business. Stick with it and you’ll see positive results.


Turn Your Passion into a Thriving Business. Start Today!