Amazing People Compilation – Amazing skill and Talent in HD 2012
Why I am taking a 7 day Break from Blogging on Empower Network since July 2012
In today’s post I just want to let you I am going to take my first 7 day break from blogging on my Empower Network Blog since July 2012 why is this there are a few reasons the first being I am doing a 100 day video challenge to do 300 videos in 100 days.. No 2 ENV2 is launching on 11 October 2013 and I am following David Sharpe and keeping lots of content ready when the new blog beast launches.
People sometimes see when I can pull in $5650 in a few weeks blogging that I am lucky and there are a few people blogging here and there not attending our daily trainings wondering why they aren’t successful. My friends they call it dedication. Yes first you need to be dedicated.
1. Dedicated to creating an income that comes in passively even if you don’t work.
2. Dedicated to providing a better life and lifestyle for you and your family for yourself and future generations through blogging and learning online marketing skills.
3. Dedicated to not being a sheep being led around a field all day fenced in controlled and programmed and told where to go and when.. ( I believe they call it jobs and education)
4. Dedicated to create incomes most people wouldn’t fathom of dreaming about.
5. Dedicated to help other people who REALLY are dedicated (By actions not talk) talk is cheap my friends !! To be a part of this.
6.Dedicated to having healthy organic food non GMO and clean filtered water free from fluoride and other poisons for my friends and family so they can live a long healthy productive life.
7. Dedicated to doing what I enjoy working with people that I like under my own terms not anyone elses.
8. Dedicated to leave the world better than I found it
If you think this could be you then get ready to join our team of badasses and start making some changes. Please remember this is not some get rich quick lottery ticket !! It is a business and requires work to get it off the ground and to make you a good profit…
So if you are ready to say goodbye to the 97% of income earners and join the top three then click on the link below to get started today …
Turn Your Passion into a Thriving Business. Click Here and Start Today!
The Federal Government Shuts ( No More Fake Debt For The Rothschilds but if you are still wanting a pension run for cover)
Yes it is true finally some people with half a brain decided to stop feeding the Rothschild clan the Federal Government have shut down… Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep it that way. Imagine a world with no more bullying, spying, stealing your money, wars on pretend terror and giving your money to the rich bankers.. Sounds like the garden of Eden is closer than we think.. Hmm I wonder what will happen with $19 trillion in debt that we supposedly???? Owe the bankers if we didn’t pay it … Hmm sounds like an interesting question to ponder? Maybe the sky will fall in or the sun will stop rising or on the other hand maybe people will have some money to live for a change because the extortion racket stops? No one stealing your wages,No one stealing your money when you die, No one making up new make believe taxes, No more Vat, No more Fuel Tax, No more private corporate courts charging billions in fees for court cases.. No need for all the attorneys judges and barristers getting all your money let the people decide..
Oh what a disaster that would be.. But really the truth is the ones it is, or will be a disaster for is those people who haven’t taken control of their income. Relying on Government Fake Money, Pensions and Government jobs is not the road to financial freedom it is the road to financial enslavement… The great thing for the government is these people are too busy going to work to have time to think about it. And then they have the media brainwashing box to listen to at the weekend to put them into a trance. And get them to believe what the media corporations controlled by the bankers want you to think.. But hey what happens when the government has no money? To your Government jobs to your pensions another interesting question to ponder, it is at times like this when people start asking these questions…
You have a choice!!! Really you do in fact it has been here for a long time. You maybe have not realized up until now how important it really was to make that choice.. But by starting your own home based business and running your own economy you are ensuring your family will be able to eat, Have a life. Go on vacation yes in fact have an income whilst having a life free from enslavement.. Imagine living in a world where fathers get to see their kids grow up.. Where being dragged out of bed at 8am to go to school to learn to be a corporate slave is a thing of the past… And I am sure the thought of this to some hard wired pre-programmed people in Employee mode this seems like a fairy tale.. But every wonderful thing began as a dream or fairy tail until someone took the action and made it real..
Which one of these people are you going to be.. Are you going to take responsibility for your financial future… Or join the dinosaurs waiting for help or a pension from a government that no longer exists? Only you can make that decision my friend for your sake and the sake of your family and loved ones I hope it is the right one for you..
What can we offer you? We can offer you the latest high tech state of the art blogging platform not available anywhere else launching in two weeks.. 1 to 1 internet coaching from me yes I have been doing this for 10 years in total so know a bit about it?
Here is some of the skills you will get from us..
1. Daily webinar trainings on marketing products and services online.
2. How to brand yourself.
3. One on One mentoring from myself for life (All In Team)
4. One on One Mentoring to get your business setup for $25 members
5. Access to three marketing training websites and a lot of our past training archives.
6. A marketing Funnel to create income for you when you follow our trainings and take action.
7. An opportunity to make $25,$100 Residual Commissions also $500,$1000 and $3000 commissions. One all in sale a month can make you $4625 a month.
8. The latest Viral Blogging Platform ..
9. Access to daily mindset calls.
10. Access and advertising on my personal Facebook groups and pages including my Network Marketing Group with nearly 14,000 members.
In fact there are too many things to put in here or I will be typing all day.
The question is what are you going to do?
1. Go back to your job or hope that the government sorts itself out and your pension is still there in 20 years and family have enough to live on. Or just hoping you can afford to eat and live a basic mediocre lifestyle.
2. Or take the opportunity today to create a life changing income by becoming part of our team and taking some action starting today..
The Choice Is Entirely Yours
Larry Benet author of the upcoming book “Connection Currency” & Founder of SANG “The Speakers and Authors Networking Group” who’s members include people like Tony Robbins, Paula Abdul & Jack Canfield interviews Russ Whitney author of the upcoming best selling book “Inner Voice”
Russ Whitney is the Founder of one of the largest publicly traded financial training companies in the world as well as the co-founder of the Rich Dad Education Group.
In Part 1 of 6 Russ shares a bit of back history and insights into what “Inner Voice” is really about, asking questions like “Where are you today?” “What is the point of life?” & “Who is right?”
In the comments below answer these three questions. Make sure to like this video and share it with all of your peers.
In Part 2 of Larry Benet’s interview of Russ Whitney author of the upcoming best selling book “Inner Voice” Russ begins to summarize his 5 year, 20,000 hour journey to “Inner Voice”
He began to ask questions like:
“How do I save me?”
“How do I get peace?”
“How do I get out of this I’ve got to do better syndrome?”
He describes the key principals that “Inner Voice” represents and his journey to the power of humility, patience, tolerance & kindness.
To learn more about Russ Whitney’s new book “Inner Voice” visit the website below.
In part 3 of 6 Russ Whitney the author of “Inner Voice” discusses an attitude toward life in two different forms. The voice of a “Warrior” & the voice of a “States person”
He begins to share with us the differences between living as a “warrior” or human trained way of life operating on “selfishness, blaming & victimizing” or living as a “States person” someone that lives life in “truth, happiness, positivity & wisdom”
In the comments below write in detail “Are you a Warrior?” or “Are you a States Person?”
There is no right or wrong answer, but answering these questions could potentially unlock your true self and allow you to look at life in a new aspect.
There are thousands of hyped up products on the Internet and even more people selling those hyped up products, who haven’t ever made a dollar online. I learned a long time ago that if you want to be truly successful at anything then you should find someone at the top of their game, and model them or even better learn from them directly.
Many years ago I came across Armand Morin at an Internet Marketing Event and signed up for his $5000 dollar course. And over the years have learned so much completely up to date online marketing strategies, that he never fails to amaze me.. Yes, excitement sells and results, sell even more. Armands online businesses have generated way over 100 Million US dollars so if you really want to learn the latest marketing strategies, then you should really look no further.. You can see the price of some of his other products including his Armand Morin Live Seminar In Las Vegas used to cost 5 K per ticket for a three day training event that was packed out..
Here are a few of his other high ticket trainings… The crazy thing is he has started recently doing some livestream events and is offering some crazy discounted test prices for the tickets or even to attend the trainings live in Las Vegas.. Click Here to see what I mean I think they are going up at Midnight Tonight so you need to be quick or you will have to pay the full price..
There is only so much strain that his server can take so you really need to get registered asap as this is limited to his clients.. Just click on the link to get registered .
Think I am losing my head when I talk about this? Find out more information for yourself click the strawman icon beside it is a really interesting subject if you start to look into it a little further, and find out the true meaning of how our system actually works…
Below I have added a few links to some really useful videos that helped me understand how money and business works. That chose me to take a different path from the conventional one taught to us at school, and taught to us from other broke friends and relatives who spend their lives working for money.
You can either learn to Master Money or be a Slave to it .. I recommend the first option…
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 1
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 2
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 3
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 4
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 5
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 6
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 7
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 8
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part 9
10 Questions You Should Ask When Joining An Online Business Or Company Part10