Beware of Crabs

Sotiris  —  January 24, 2014

Beware of Crabs

Beware of the “crab bucket syndrome.” When a single crab is placed in an open bucket, they can escape and they will. However, when more than one shares a bucket, none can get out. If one crab elevates themselves above the others, the others will grab this crab and drag it back down to share the mutual fate of the rest of the group. The crab bucket syndrome is often used to describe social situations where one person is trying to better themselves and others in the community attempt to pull them back down. Here’s how to get out. I’m out of the bucket and many of you want to get out of the bucket. Here’s how to get out the bucket. You can listen to someone who’s made millions affiliate marketing, doing or you can listen to others. It’s your choice.

When I first started out in affiliate marketing, I did a million dollar run. What I mean by that is I decided I wanted to make a million dollars and then I took off running towards that goal. I remember calling up my mother during the middle of my run and talking to her. I said, “Look Mom, I’m not going to talk to you for awhile. I’m not going to talk to you until I make my first million.” She wanted to know when that would be. I told her I didn’t know but I wasn’t going to talk to anyone until I succeeded, except for my cheerleaders that were going to cheer me along.

That sounds harsh, doesn’t it? I love my mom and she has always been there for me. She always knew I could make a million dollars but she was like a fellow crab in the crab bucket. She was trying to pull me down from getting out of the bucket. She didn’t do this purposefully and with any kind of hateful feelings. Simply put, she was just being a mom. In her effort to try to protect me, she was pulling me back down into the bucket. She wanted me to succeed at my goals but she would often say negative things that ended up hindering me.

I’m sharing this story with you because I know many of you have goals you want to achieve but you’re being pulled back by the other crabs in the bucket. These other crabs can be anybody, including the people who love you the most, your parents. They could be your spouse, your children or even your best friend. Now this isn’t to say that they don’t love you or want the best for you because I’m sure they do but sometimes, you have to say to yourself and to them, I’m going to succeed and I want your support along the way. If they can’t be supportive or they act like my mom acted, trying to protect you while in turn hindering you, distance yourself from that person for awhile.

Sometimes, when trying to realize your dreams, you have to make sacrifices. For me, I made a sacrifice by deciding to not speak with my mother until I could accomplish my goal. In less than six months, I made my dream a reality and I called her up and told her I did it. She was ecstatic for me. Our relationship now is just as great as ever. Our relationship has not suffered even though I had to step back from it for awhile.

The point is, do you have someone in your life holding you down mentally? Is someone grasping onto you, trying to maintain the status quo in your life. Who are the crabs in your life? Sometimes, it may be someone who actually doesn’t want you to succeed and then you’ll need to make the decision to get rid of that person in your life. Often times, just like with my mother and I, the people holding you back may be people you love and who love you. Don’t let anyone hold you back or keep you from escaping the crab bucket. You can do it. You must find a way to create a balance in your life so that you can accomplish what you’ve set out to do, even if it means taking a break from the people you love.

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Beware of Crabs

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How To Get Free Traffic To Your Website Using Forums

New Year – New Life

Sotiris  —  January 13, 2014

New Year – New Life

Ready To Change Your Life And Inspire Others To Change Theirs Plus Get Paid For It At THe SAme Time..

New Year – New Life

How I Got More Twitter Followers Than Mike Dillard

And how I could have tripled them if I didn’t make two stupid mistakes..  🙂

On two occasions I saw some big names advertising twitter trainings and how to get followers on twitter,I am not going to mention them as they know who they are… First one sent a email to his list was a couple of years ago.. When I went to his main twitter account he was following three people and had two followers.. RFLAO.. Recently I saw someone else well known doing Twitter trainings, with 1000 twitter followers .. I made a couple of silly mistakes a few years ago and got my twitter account deleted with 60,000 followers .. Since then I stopped doing Twitter trainings because in my new account I didn’t focus as I was pissed with Twitter lol.. I had about 2000 followers on my new account. And thought it would be ridiculous to teach Twitter with 2000 Followers. but recently I got my account back after 3 years and still have 56,000 Followers  … I think people have some nerve teaching stuff without having results in it… Anyone that tells me they make big money from Twitter with 2 followers or even 1000 needs their head examined.. LOL Rant Over…

Follow Me On Twitter

How I Got More Twitter Followers Than Mike Dillard

The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

I just logged into my blog to do a blog post and saw the New High Traffic Academy join button..  I am trained as soon as I see an EN product to buy if I had any doubt I wouldn’t have earned over 28k In Empower Network..  If you have or are expecting to have members  join you? Then there really is no point in losing any extra pass up commissions. Plus commissions from your own sales as well. You can buy the product  by logging into your EN backoffice..  Like I said  I don’t even need to blink an eyelid thinking about this one..  😉

By The Way Here Is An Email I Got From One Of My Team Today 🙂

I LOVE Seeing Emails Like This 🙂 

You won’t believe what happened to me today!

The unconscious mind is a powerful thing. In fact it is what is driving your entire life.

It is crucial to understand how it works and how to reprogram it. Over this year we are going to be learning how to do this. The daily statements and questions are an integral part of it, so if you have been playing along then you will already be on track.

You didn’t get an email from me for a few days as I was experiencing massive resistance from my unconscious mind. It happens every year at exactly this time. I will talk about the reasons why in future emails.

This resistance often manifests as an actual physical injury amongst other things. A few years ago I sustained a shoulder injury, which took almost a year to recover from. Last year I got the worst blisters I have ever had while walking the Camino De Santiago, and a few days ago I pulled a muscle in my back while doing a forward bend in yoga, and I do forward bends everyday!

I used to think that the resistance belonged to me and so it was something that I just waded through and dealt with each year. I had a realisation today that the resistance wasn’t actually mine, but I was carrying someone else’s resistance, which sounds weird, I know.

A thought came to me which said “what if this resistance wasn’t actually mine?” then, “What if this pain in my back wasn’t actually mine?” I immediately started to feel lighter and a space opened up in my consciousness. I then asked “Who does this resistance belong to?” and poof an image of a person came to my mind and the resistance lifted immediately.

I was on my way to see my chiropractor when I went through this process and then my session with him was amazing. He pin pointed where the physical weakness was in my back and after a quick adjustment my back returned to full strength.

I then returned home and checked my online business account to see that I had made $1600 on autopilot that morning. The rest of my day has been enjoyable and productive. How does it get any better than that?

I tell you this completely true story to let you know that asking the right question at the right time can completely change your life.

So todays power question to add to your arsenal is “Who does this belong to?

You can ask this when you are experiencing physical, mental or emotional pain, or like me, just experiencing a general resistance to life. If you start feeling lighter after asking the question then you will know that the pain or resistance does not belong to you. You can then simply say, “disperse this into space“.

Todays power statement is: “Every adversity holds within it a seed of equal or greater benefit!”

Todays inspiring video:


Money Doesn’t Buy You Happiness!  Or does it?

The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?


Make Money Blogging About Cool Stuff

Russell Foster: Why do we sleep?

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Robert Kiyosaki on Asset Protection


Robert Kiyosaki on Asset Protection

**** Happy New Year 2014-By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos *****

**** Happy New Year 2014-By Sotiris Bassakaropoulos *****

Are You A Facebook Snob (And if so why?)

I have to say after marketing online for about ten years and going to lots of different events,meeting cool mentors and inspirational people.  It leaves me in bewilderment when you get the most common type people with little personality. Very little of interest to say, who think they are cool lol..

I saw a message on Facebook the other day from someone talking about how careful they are picking FB friends and how cool they seem to think that is.. Lol When I see people like that I think to myself get a life, this is the start of racism when people go around judging other.

If they had something special to offer the world or a good reason for example they wanted to help 5000 orphans find a home  and saved their requests for the orphans,you could possibly understand.

I have seen one or two Internet Marketers go off their head in their time. Saying I am deleting anyone who is not worthy.. If you aren’t family or my best mate I cannot be your Facebook friend..  Yes they suddenly went from 5000 Friends to 120 overnight giving the middle finger to all their friends fans and customers in the process.

Lets put it this way if you can disturb people with your emails on a daily basis. Would you not have a little etiquette when they walk into a room and acknowledge them. Or on your Facebook wall..

If not then you are most probably a sad person with little or no morals and I am afraid you are probably to far up your own ass to notice anyway.. Yes you are so cool and your ego agrees so let’s not get you to far away from that…  LOL..

I have to say I have some really genuine cool friends on Facebook and making a book or a few dollars doesn’t turn them into a Facebook tyrant. They realise that their friends on Facebook are some of the people who put them where they are today.. And are grateful and more than happy to acknowledge and communicate with their friends and subscribers.  Yes that is part of the reason why they are so successful.

In their business so next time you are making a snyde comment about who you add on Facebook just remember.. You do not know who your sad judgement is turning down ..  They could be your next million dollar client or the next Mark Zuckerberg looking to JV with you..

So set the big ego aside wise up and have an awesome New Year 🙂

Are You A Facebook Snob (And if so why?)