Her grandson Ariel Hertz Sommer confirmed that his 110 Year Old Grandmother oldest holocaust survivor died In London
110 Year Old Jewish Holocaust Survivor Dies In London
Anything you do in life would be pointless without a purpose, finding our purpose is a very important part of our journey in life. To me one of the things I love the most about what I do is the Freedom.My purpose is freedom,freedom to chose,freedom to be with my family,and freedom from the rat race. The first step in achieving freedom is believing in it.. If you want to experience freedom and levitate to another level Watch the videos below and then just click the link to get started today ..
Anything you do in life would be pointless without a purpose, finding our purpose is a very important part of our journey in life. To me one of the things I love the most about what I do is the Freedom.My purpose is freedom,freedom to chose,freedom to be with my family,and freedom from the rat race. The first step in achieving freedom is believing in it.. If you want to experience freedom and levitate to another level Watch the videos below and then just click the link to get started today ..
Buying And Selling Websites And Domains
When it comes to marketing online there are so many methods of making money online it could frazzle your brain.. But hey that’s a good thing not bad at all. When I hear people worrying about competitors selling stuff online. Or too many people selling stuff online it makes me see the dog eat dog view some people have about so many things. But if you are tired of the latest online MLM Juice business or chasing the latest Clickbank or JV Zoo Products.
Then this might be an awesome opportunity for you to make some extra income online. You can visit your local domain registrar like Go Daddy for example and start searching for some good quality domain names that are still available. It can take you some time but I have bought some awesome domains in my time and have a good few hundred of them still.
There are a few different options you can take here. One is too find a great domain setup an online business/website with it and build up a customer base and income. That way you can sell the business and get more money as it has an ongoing income which you can get paid some extra goodwill for.. The next option is just buy a domain and sell it the way it is no bells or whistles.
If you get a really great domain name it is definitely worth paying the $250 for a featured listing on Flippa but a basic listing will set you back $9 which won’t hopefully break your budget.. Think about it if you started selling a couple of domains or websites a month for $500 or even 10 or twenty of them. You could start making a few extra dollars for sure.. 😉
I personally have lots of different online income streams and if you want to keep a regular influx of money coming in doing the same is not always a bad idea ..
You can also buy really good domains and then rent them out too big companies or local businesses for a monthly fee. If you are anything like me and good at finding treasured domains you could also do very well from this.
If this doesn’t sound like it’s for you that’s okay too. Click Here to join for Free
Wishing you all the best with all your future business ventures..
This is a question that many people should ask themselves, some people do but many people don’t and you maybe can go for years without noticing.. But it just takes one minor change, in your life in your health, in your families health. Or even your job or income to leave you running for cover or in the soup financially. I learned this a long time ago through many different experiences I had. Which I am very grateful for otherwise today I would be in a very different position than the one I am in now.
What do you mean by passive income? You may be asking well the question is really simple if something happened to you or one of your family members and you could not work. Or you lost your job how much money would be coming in to you on a daily ,weekly,monthly basis? Over the last few years I posted daily on many blogs. Yes I would spend time writing a 3,4 or even 500 or 1000 word article on my blogs or websites. Because of that and sharing good content etc I built a team in some online businesses.
The last few weeks I have been posting very little on my blogs,websites etc and there is a reason for that. It’s not because I quit on my business and it’s not because I am being lazy which many of us can be. The fact of the matter is my 10 year old son broke his leg in school in three places. And for the last few weeks has been confined to the sofa, If you have any children or had any of your young children break their legs it can be a pretty nerve racking experience for them and for you..
As you can imagine they and you are wondering when or if it the leg will heal 100% . Being told you won’t be able to walk properly for 6- 12 Weeks doesn’t sit well with a 10 year old child. And seeing him lying on the sofa immobile and anxious about what is going to happen doesn’t help either. Thankfully I can say instead of sitting on my computer all day. Or waiting in traffic jams or selling my time in a J.O.B. while my child is at home suffering. I can be with him all of the time which is truly a blessing.
This leaves me one less problem I have to face unlike many other people who have landed in difficult unforeseen circumstances, Like this one for example. While I have been keeping my sons spirits up, entertaining him and spending valuable time with him my passive income continues to flow in on complete autopilot.. So I don’t to worry about food,heating,paying bills and having a good lifestyle etc because I am not slaving away in a job for minimum wage.
That is a choice I made years ago and continue to make on a daily basis. In fact I love what I do and would not change it for anything because I love the freedom it gives me. And even money is worthless if you do not get any time freedom to enjoy it. How can you go spend your money on a dream holiday while you are slaving away at a full time job? Even if they tell you it has benefits???? Does it really?
So enough about my life what about you is your business passive, who pays you monthly. If you are like most people monthly you probably pay a phone bill,Internet, Mobile Phone Bill,Electricity Bill,Gas Bill,Oil etc… Yes you are paying that every month .. The question is apart from your physical labour who or what is paying you monthly?
If you know the answer to this question and you have a good passive income monthly that leaves you in profit every month,without your physical labour. Then you are in perfect financial shape if not. Then maybe you have got to change something before a health or financial disaster occurs and leaves you or one of your family members sick or penniless..
If you need help setting up your own online business feel free to add me and Facebook and message me for more information on what you can do and how to go about it. If not I wish you all the best in your future business or work ventures..
How Passive Is Your Business?
The Truth About Corporate Jobs
Recently, I wrote an article explaining the different types of affiliate marketing. Today I want to explain why you should become an affiliate, even if you already sell your own products. I can personally attest to the success of affiliate marketing because I’ve walked this path. I’ve sold over $2.1 million just by selling other people’s stuff. That’s a lot of money! If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should try affiliate marketing, let me give you three reasons why you’re missing out by not starting today.
Reason Number One – Simply put, affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started in internet marketing. If you’re a newbie or whether you’ve had a list for awhile now, affiliate marketing is simple. You sign up as an affiliate. You mail out an email to your list. Then you watch the cash come in.
Reason Number Two – There’s less work involved for you. The great thing about being an affiliate is that you don’t have to spend your time and energy creating a product. On top of that, you don’t have to handle the transactions or the customer support. Anyone who has created a product before knows that you don’t just sell and you’re done. After you sell, you have to handle any support questions or problems people may have with your product. As an affiliate, all those issues are sent to the person who created or launched the product. Less work for me is always a bonus.
Reason Number Three – I know that I cannot create everything for everyone. You can’t either. If there is a product that my list desires, something I think they would want or need, and I can’t produce it, I will go out and find that product. Part of having a list means knowing exactly what your list wants and you won’t always be able to provide them with the products they’re looking for. Me personally, I know I don’t have enough time or enough people on my staff to create products all the time for my list. Luckily for me, I can easily search and find the right product that will match my list.
Now I’ve had people who say, oh that’s all fine and good Matt but I’m planning on creating this product for my list and I don’t want to sell any products like it because I don’t want to be competing against that product when I sell my own. There’s a couple things I want you to keep in mind if you are one of those people planning on creating a product for your list. First of all, what if you never create that product? And who’s to say that if you do create it, that people will actually buy it? One of the great things about selling affiliate products is that you can find out what sells to your list. Why waste your time and energy creating a product that you don’t know if anybody wants to buy? Why not allow people to vote with their wallet? For example, if you’re planning on creating a course on YouTube, go find affiliate products for YouTube. Once you see how your list responds, you’ll know whether or not you should spend your time creating a YouTube course.
In conclusion, if you’re not already selling affiliate products, you need to get started today. It’s easy, less time consuming than creating your own products and you can’t create everything for everyone. So what are you waiting for?
There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine.
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