Many people think that life is a matter of luck.
Jim Rohn always explained Success and what you need to do to transform your life.


Jim Rohn Transformed many thousands of lives through his books, audio books, CD’s DVDs and Videos.

If you want your life to change you need to realise you are responsible for your life. You are responsible for your life your income.
Until you do then you will continue to blame other things and circumstances for your problems.

Many people blame their boss, the economy,the government or their spouse or relatives.

They become victims of their own circumstances

Once I realised that what will be is up to me.

I could forget the excuses.
Stop being a victim and blaming.

And start taking responsibility for my own business and income.

Watching a Jim Rohn DVD and watching his videos made a big change in my life.

I highly recommend watching Jim Rohn Videos or listening to his audios if you haven’t already.

‘s New Year out with the old in with the New
***************New Year Is Your Time****************
*******************Use It Wisely ***********************

A Time To Reinvent Yourself
A Time To Change
A Time To Get Happy
A Time To Get More Out Of Life
A Time For Better Relationships
A Time For Better Communication
A Time To Live Better
A Time To Help Others
A Time For More Success
A Time For More Love
A Time To Awaken
A Time For Better Health
A Time To Think
A Time To Enjoy
A Time That Will Never Come Back again


Happy New Year!! 2015

To All My Awesome Facebook Friends,Team,Everyone From The Past Present And Future …

All The Best To Your Happiness And Success in 2015

Let Tony Robbins Help You Create Your Dream Life


Some Lessons Tony Robbins Learned in Tough Times

In this video Tony Robbins talks  about  challenging times and circumstances for succeeding in spite of and how difficult things got. He also talks about where to find  the strength to get past it.  what’s the most difficult part of the journey his  clients generally face?

He also discusses his new book about money management and shares some great insights he got from some of the most successful people in the world.


Let Tony Robbins Help You Create Your Dream Life

What Successful People Know About Getting Cashback On Their Shopping

A while ago one of my Facebook friends messaged me  and asked if you we could meet up for a coffee in Starbucks some time.  I agreed and the next day we met up.  As an internet marketer my main interest and business was and still is Internet Marketing, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Listbuilding ETC.

So when he mentioned shopping I was already not interested why?  Because I never really think of myself as a compulsive shopper.



Then he asked me a few simple questions.


1. Q Do you buy Petrol or Diesel Weekly for your car?


A. My Answer  Yes I buy Diesel About £50 a Week


2. Q Do you or your wife go shopping in a supermarket every week to buy groceries food etc. 


A.  Of course doesn’t everybody?


3. Q Do you go on holidays? And If So Do You Shop In Different places when you are on holiday?


A. Yes I do both in fact.


4. Q Do you ever do any work around your house or DIY?


A.  Yes I do in fact I bought a conservatory three kitchens last year and spent tens if not hundreds of thousands in DIY stores over the last few years.


5. Q Do you ever buy accessories for your car or parts when it needs repaired?


A. Yes All the time car batteries, Oil Filters Air Filters, Tyres,Brake Pads, Sattellite navigation system, car stereos roofbox, roofrack for our holidays  etc.


6. Q Do You Have Any Children?


A. Yes I have three boys.


7. Q Do you ever buy your Children or yourself bicycle Accessories, bikes, camping equiptment or things like that ?


A.  Yes I bought us all bikes, many bicycle accessories and a car pump.


8. Q When you buy from these shops Did you ever get anything back?


A.  Only a few Clubcard points from some of the petrol stations or supermarket chains.


9. Q Would you like to get between 1 and 5% cashback  and up to up to 30% loyalty bonus when you buy things that you buy anyway?


A. Of course I would be stupid if I didn’t lol…


10. Q Did you know that by doing this consistently you could get tens more likely hundreds or thousands of pounds discount over the next few months/years money that you will be spending anyway.


A. Hmm I never really thought about that before.


11.  Q Did you know you could recommend people to join for Free and when they go shopping and buy the things they buy anyway and get cashback you will get 1% of whatever they spend plus a loyalty bonus which adds up to even more money over a period of time?


A.  How Do I Join..


12.  Did you also know that a retailer can pay to join as a member and offer their customers discounts.  So John who owns the fruit and vegetable shop can pay £1800 to become a premium member and then offer his customers 5% cashback and let them register for free to get cashback in his shop.   But also because they registered through him when they shop in Tesco , Marks and Spencer, Buy Diesel or Petrol  in Morrisons or Tesco, Buy A computer In Pc World or an electrical Appliance in Currys or buy cosmetics from boots or a conservatory or kitchen from B & Q . John will get paid 1% off all the money they spend for life in all those shops using our company?


A. WOW…..


Could You Sign Me Up I want to also be a premium member and join with my business too.  🙂 


I then asked a few questions  

Q Is this company  worldwide or just in the UK Or USA..  

This country is Worldwide it is in most countries and continually expanding


Q Can you register online?

Yes You Can Register Using The Link Below


Q How do I get My Discounts and Cashback

The Cashback gets send directly to your bank account when it reaches a certain threshhold this depends on your country and currency. 


Q When Can I Start? 

You can join and get started right away





Then Click On The Register Link On The Next Page and Register For Free It’s As Simple As That.


Please Note It Is Very Important That After You Fill In The Registration Form You Go Back To Your Email And Click Confirm Or Your Registration Will Not Be Activated..










What Successful People Know About Getting Cashback On Their Shopping

7 Common Traits Of A Loser.


This post is dedicated to all the losers out there you know who you are or at least if you don’t you will by the time you finish reading this post.

1. They look for a guarantee. In order to do something they have to first be told that there is a guarantee..  Sort of like a benefit claimant…

2. In order to make a large investment in something they first want a large return..  A loser would say I will buy the products once I start making a lot of money. Or I will pay for the restaurant once the customers give me the money..  Kind of like farmers asking for a harvest without planting any seeds..

3. They want it now, they are desperate for money,fast food fast service but most importantly fast money without any of the effort..

4. They quit at the first opportunity or excuse, their mind is always searching for a reason to leave..  Give them a road B or C and they will go straight down it asap…

5. They are always looking for the next lottery ticket. Who needs dedication,belief, consistency when you could get the next Lotto ticket.

6. Their Motto is it’s “It’s their fault”  Yes it’s their wife ,husband,business opportunity,timing,Business opportunity Guru’s fault..  Nothing to do with them chasing from one Guru to the next looking for the next big secret or magic pill..

7. They are not willing to pay the price not hungry enough,no if their life doesn’t depend on it why bother when they can just make another lame excuse..


True Fact…  95% Of People chose to be a loser

If you are in this business and have not set your intention to Get All In you are probably a loser.

If you haven’t done what is necessary to make some income from this business opportunity till now. You maybe a loser?

If you are looking for the next big business opportunity while this one is staring you right in the face then I can confirm You Are A Loser


So If you are tired of being a loser 

Click Here To Join Our Team


If you are happy to continue being a loser keep reporting to your boss and do what you gotta do to lick some ass and keep your position..

Albert Einstein

The Definition Of Madness Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again And Expecting A Different Result!

8 Books You Need to Read

Sotiris  —  December 26, 2014

8 Books You Need to Read


Here are some books you should read, if you want to become a successful entrepreneur and understand more about money, sales and online marketing.



1. The new PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS By Maxwell Maltz

It helps to understand your markets and the way they think reading this book will open your mind to many very valuable success and marketing principles.  If you want to make more money and be able to read your ideal customers mind, then this is definitely worth a read.



2. Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind By T Harv Ecker

What makes one person who goes to a seminar successful and the other other person who sat beside them not be successful. In this book T Harv Ecker explains some great wealth principles. And show’s how peoples money blueprint can create or not create their financial future.



3. The 4 Hour Work Week By Timothy Ferris

Timothy Ferris is the master of getting more for less.  If you want to cut down your workweek and make more money then this book is definetely worth reading 🙂


4. The Laptop Millionaire By Mark Anastasi

In the laptop Millionaire Mark Anastasi does a lot of case studies and interviews some of his seminar attendees who have created success online.  He also shows lots of different ways that you can use to generate a full time or part time income using the Internet.   Everything from You Tube marketing, Twitter Marketing , Facebook Marketing and lots more in fact I also get a mention in the book .

I highly recommend this book for anyone aspiring or who is already making money on the internet.


5. How To Get Rich By Felix Dennis

It’s a book about getting rich but it is totally different from any other books you have read on the subject .  One of the richest self made men in Britain talks about.

How he became one of the richest men in Britain starting from nothing..

If you want to improve your odds of being successful then this book is definitely worth picking up 🙂



6. Who Took My Money By Robert Kiyosaki


In this book Robert Kiyosaki talks about some money principles that every Entrepreneur should know about.  Including how fast money wins every time.  To me some of these money principles are sacred if you don’t know them then you will get left behind.

Tired of the same old money advice?  Invest for the long term and diversify?

Learn how professional investors increase the speed of their money, rather than park it? Make sue you add this book to your reading list. 🙂


7. Guide To Get Rich Without Cutting Up Your Credit Cards By Robert Kiyosaki


In this short but highly effective book Robert Kiyosaki talks about the difference in Good Debt VS Bad Debt and lots more great money ideas and principles this is well worth a read for anyone striving for financial freedom.




8. The Cashflow Quadrant By Robert Kiyosaki


The Cashflow  Quadrant explains the 4 different types of person and their ways to make money,  This also talks about who pays the most taxes. Who pays the least taxes and what which quadrants you should be aiming for if you want to become rich and successful..


You Can Watch The Cashflow Quadrant Videos Free Click Here


8 Books You Need to Read





This is how many people used to build teams and today there are many people who still use these same methods  and have success with it.  I personally use more modern methods for building a team using technology and software and attraction marketing.

If this is your favourite way to build a business by all means continue watching the video.


To find out more up to date methods of marketing online using Social Media, Websites/Blogs and Technology click below to get more Team Building information and ideas..



If you want to see my personal views on recruiting you can check out my post on Dinosaur Marketing




Hope this made your life a little easier 😉
  1. How To Sharpen Your Knives The Easy Way

    Just get a mug and a knife. Turn the mug upside down and run the blade of the knife against the rough edges of the bottom of the mug.
    Make sure you hold the blade of the knife against the mug at a 45 degree angle for maximum effect. 🙂

    hack image

  2. How to skyrocket your income blogging

    How to skyrocket your income blogging


Want to know how to skyrocket your income blogging? Then click to join our new Kalatu Blogging Platform the official launch will be in January but you can get registered right now.


Click Here To Register 

And be one of the first few thousand people to get access to this great new online technology

Merry Christmas Team 2014

Sotiris  —  December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Team 2014

Get Cashback On Your Shopping


Merry Christmas Team 2014

Sometimes you just need to get things done. Nothing explains this better than this video. What is the secret to getting things done? Just watch the video and find out.. 🙂
  1. Art Williams – Just do it speech

    Sometimes You Just Need To Take Action Here an example of one of my team who took action and got results I just got this email from him today. All he did is followed the exact steps I told him too.     Click To Enlarge Screen Shot 2014-12-25 at 20.29.06
  2. Merry Christmas Team 2014

    Hope you had a good Christmas will look out for a new training hangout coming soon..
Are You Ready To Just Do It ? Then STOP Procrastinating and get things done 🙂