BEWARE!! Internet Marketers Catching Mad Tabs Disease Numbers And Fatalities Are Trebling Daily
BEWARE!! Internet Marketers Catching Mad Tabs Disease Numbers And Fatalities Are Trebling Daily
Have You Ever Gone On A Rant ?
In the world of internet marketing there is always lots of different things going on, There are lots of social media services like Facebook ,Twitter YouTube, Pinterest and Linked In Etc.. Sometimes I see stuff and it drives me a little crazy. So when this happens I may go on a bit of a rant.
The great thing is like myself some people may find some of my rants amusing!
It is all well and good being serious and getting stuff done but hey, when you can have a bit of a rant from time to time or post something funny. It makes life much more interesting.
Here are a few of my rant classics and one funny email I got in the post one day.
Might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I thought it was funny 🙂
Has Every One Forgotten what attraction marketing is?
The one below is not my work but when I read it had to copy and paste it on my blog.. 🙂
Hope You Enjoy
If you haven’t already feel free to add me on
Facebook Too.. 🙂
Wow I just got this while I was doing something random lol…
Have You Ever Gone On A Rant ?
Why people fail in their online business
Keep going buy all the products watch the video above and believe.. And it will happen for you then click here to get started
People are programmed from when they are children to prepare for a job. To look for Job security unfortunately there is very little hope of job security and if you really do want Job security you may find that you have to pay three times the price of what you thought.
Although I really enjoyed watching this on Netflix if you read between the lines you will see. These people are just pawns for big corporations and the freedom and justice story they are feeding the viewers is pure BS..
Although these guys are the heros in the movie if you take a close look you will realise. They have no real choice or freedom being sent away to hostile places, getting orders where to go what to do and how to do it.
The truth is that the people who really set up the wars do it for financial gain and also because they want a population reduction . What easier ways to do this than to blow people up and murder people so that the big corporations can profit.
The wars are really about controlling oil, food and water supplies and the central banks taking over the world. People need to realise what is going on and take away the power from these puppet masters. That rule us using fear media and religion to start wars and propoganda.
If you really want to have true freedom you need to make a stand against these real terrorists and not the invented ones paid by the CIA.
You need to run your own business that way you can chose what income you are worth and stop being a slave to big corporations.
You can get started today by clicking the button below for a lot less than what you think 🙂
What The Unit Can Teach You About Job Security
$100 While I had my dinner
Was just down making a curry and came upstairs to another $100 commission residual income the best part it was a pass up one of my team members brought into this business.
This business is not the easiest business in the world to do but by following the formula committing to take the actions necessary. I do not know any online business which pays out these commissions or where you have such an awesome team of successful entrepreneurs lifting each other up..
If you are looking for an online business opportunity then look no further
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