Facebook Etiquette-How Not To Be A Facebook Parasite
I was on Facebook today and I saw a former member of one of my online businesses posting comments on all my posts. First, I thought that maybe they were commenting on some of my posts to interact or just because they liked something. So of course I clicked on the post to see what the comment was. It was them basically posting a link to some other online business without even asking me first. I have seen lots of crazy stuff going on on Facebook that is sometimes just plain rude, so I thought I would do a post today talking a little about Facebook Etiquette. According to the perfect non link club I may not always hit the number one spot, but as far as I am concerned there are certain lines and boundaries.When it comes to what to do and what not to do on Facebook.
I am going to just pretend some people have not figured out yet or will not understand what they are doing wrong until someone points it out to them. So here are some things probably common sense you don’t do on Facebook.
1. Do not post or advertise blatantly on someones private Facebook wall and if you want to then at least have the decency to Ask Them First .
2. If someone gives you the use of their Facebook group, yes actually adds you and gives you permission to post in it. Then do not post comments advertising your business with or without a link in everyone elses post by commenting on them. This drives me so crazy why on earth would you do this when you have a whole group to post on.
3. Just because someone has got a Facebook group which they created added content and invited members to join. And as the creator of the group they are allowed to pin a post on the top of the group. Do not spam your link or business opportunity to someones pinned post, Anyone who does this in any of my groups gets banned instantly. So it is not a practise that I would recommend you do, especially if you want to remain a member of groups.. 🙂
4. I am not a great person for rules so I am quite easygoing with what people can post in the group except for a few things that I will mention in the next few sections. But sometimes when you set up a group because of the type of group, sometimes you may need to create a few rules. If you do make sure you have them up near the top of the post where someone can see them.
5. If you want to share your link or sell some stuff on Facebook that is fine. Whether it be on your wall or in groups. If you are I would suggest not selling 100% of the time post content on two posts then maybe a sales pitch in the third post. If you are consistently selling and nothing else people will get pissed off and unfriend or block you. Which means all your marketing efforts will be in vain. So attract an audience or friends with great content and throw in a link to a product, a training or service for sale now and again and you will do fine.
6. Don’t be the Facebook police – I find this quite funny I hear some marketers whining about people sharing links on Facebook being spam. I entirely disagree in fact many of these marketers when they started out used exactly the same tactics to make money. Once they made some money they could then pay thousands for Facebook Ads And paid advertising. If you don’t have a lot of money to invest in paid ads and do not put out a link from time to time . You will stay broke so when it comes to no links on Facebook advice from the guru’s … Skip The Advice – Until you become a guru of course and can spend $1000 a day on paid advertising.
7. Facebook Groups With Rules – Or some rules I do on Facebook they are kinda common sense really. In some cases when you set up a group for a specific purpose not all posts would be or should be welcome. In my network marketing group I am not bothered and do not interfere in what business opportunities people are posting. But in my You Tube Share and comment group there are rules- like before you post a You Tube video link you must like share and comment three other members videos. Or if your group is Vegan you won’t want people advertising blog posts about milk or roast beef dinners, kind of common sense really.
8. Facebook Group No No’s I delete any pornographic videos I see on my network marketing or any other groups. Anything with gory or horrific pictures ar racist slander gets automatically deleted and the member who posted them gets blocked ASAP.
9. Do not tag friends or other peoples friends in your advertising unless they have shown an interest in your market before. I had this crazy ex VA who stole one of my clients and then had the cheek to tag all my friends on my ex clients posts. This is Facebook marketing at it’s lowest.. 🙁
Hope you found this useful and it helps you grow a much bigger better business on Facebook please feel free to share with your friends and comment if you found this post beneficial. 🙂
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Facebook Etiquette-How Not To Be A Facebook Parasite