Live Every Day Like It Was Your Last – So many people take life with a pinch of salt ( like it isn’t important) there is always tomorrow, indeed, some things we may tell ourselves may go like this. Tomorrow I will do it, yes I will make money tomorrow, I will live my dream starting next year. I will spend some time with my family later. Unfortunately none of us have that day in our diary saying okay tomorrow will be our last day.So we live like we can worry about it tomorrow. What if tomorrow never comes? It happens to lots of people every day it could happen to you too.
What about the things you haven’t done the things you dreamed about doing, the things you wanted to do with your family.The lifestyle you deserved to live, the things you haven’t said to your loved ones or relatives that you maybe should. The plans you haven’t made in case something happens to you . You really should be more grateful and think about this if you did? You might not be willing to accept giving away your day to some job for a measly few dollars an hour. You might not accept wasting your time watching depressing TV shows and news. The average person spends approximately 8 Years of their life watching TV are you one of them? Would you like to have an extra 8 Years to do the things you want to do. To achieve the goals you want to achieve. That is a decision which is entirely up to you.
Right now if you want a different result from where you are right now, then it is time for you to make a different decision. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result could this be you. Only you know the answer to that question. I enjoy Internet Marketing and I love socialising online with Skype,Twitter and Facebook Etc. So when I saw this opportunity to blog every day about what I want to blog about and make a very good residual income doing it. It made perfect sense I saw a mentor of mine on Facebook yesterday with a cheque for over $42,000 dollars from this opportunity so I know very well that it works.
The question is are you willing to take the next step are you willing to change something. Are you willing to make a commitment to yourself to make a blog post a day talking about what you want. If it gives you the opportunity of making $$$’s of new residual commissions. Only you know the answer? It could sound like work to you personally for me it’s a pleasure. Work is sitting in a 9-5 day job with someone planning your holidays, your toilet breaks and what you are worth and then giving 20 to 50% of your wages to the taxman before you get to spend a penny.
The one sure thing of life is none of us get out alive, and we will all pay the price. What price we pay will determine what rewards we get when we are here. So if you want to watch football instead of posting a blog post this week then enjoy the football. Just don’t complain if you get laid off from your job after 20 years that is the price of job security. I personally made the decision to quit my job many years ago I left myself no option. You do not have to do that you can keep your job skip one hour of TV and do your daily blog post and give yourself an opportunity to build a new residual income stream from taking these new steps.
Or you could be like me and just decide enough is enough and resolve to never give up until you become a success in your online business. Unless you die you will be unstoppable.. 🙂 If you are ready to take the plunge and join our team click on the link below and Get Started Today..
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