The Lazy Mans Way To SEO
The Lazy Mans Way To SEO

Why I No Longer Find Google A Viable Search Engine 90% of the time. And What Is A Viable Alternative. I have noticed this along time ago but gave it a miss thinking they would get a grip especially being such a huge search engine with such great technology. But I am sorry too say it Google search has pissed me off to much to keep it a secret any longer. It is easy to see why Google is losing it’s place . And it’s not just me that can see this, I am sure if you are a local business owner and put up a page and get some stupid fast food directory or You will feel the same way.
One thing that Google seems to forget is the people choosing Googe is what made it so popular. And what will be it’s demise as it is bound to be pissing people off. People gave Google their power in the first place. Providing accurate search engine information and relevant content. To me Google is now more of a corporate advertising directory than a search engine. So if you are Amazon,Ebay,Yell,Gumtree Etc you will be happy but if you are
BaWon Asian Takeaway Bangor In Bangor Delivery Service Available. You will not even be visible in the search listings even if you type in the exact match keyword phrase like this…
BaWon Asian Takeaway Bangor Delivery Service Available
On Bing it is position 1 where it should be yes Bing is still a search engine, For some reason even if Google is messed up as a search engine You Tube Still works strange considering they are the same company.. I have noticed this for all search results Google became popular because of supplying relevant content .
No longer will you get someones relevant content ordinary website when you google stuff instead you get absolute trash results like other businesses,takeaways,directories and what you are looking for is nowhere to be found..
A while ago I spoke to a friend of mine they went to Greece and they were looking a local shop in a town in greece they where visiting of course when they googled the exact shop name and town.. They got thomson holidays amazon,ebay all the usual crap … Hey I know these are popular websites and guess why? But when you are looking for Horiatiki salad in Rafina you do not want to visit Amazon or a directory advertising pizza hut . Or do you?
I can tell you I certainly don’t and from now on for my searches I am going to start using Bing until google decided to get their shit together. As I as a webmaster am pissed off with people not finding my relevant content.. And I am even more pissed off why I cannot find other websites relevant content and I have to see corporate trash websites..
Because Amazon and Ebay are great when you want to buy or sell something but next time you want to find a dentist in your home village use Bing instead 🙂
If you’re like most people with a website, you started it because you want to share something with people. But if no one is looking at your website, how will that happen? The best way to get people to notice you is by using search engine optimization, or SEO. Here are a few methods to implement so that you can reach the people you’d like to reach.
You can improve your websites search engine optimization by keeping up-to-date with the way search engines index websites. Search engines are always refining the algorithms and procedures they use to evaluate websites and filter out spam. By researching developments in this area you can ensure you are always doing all you can to improve your site’s position on search engine results pages.
When you are trying to achieve Search Engine Optimization, do not forget the importance of the description meta-tag. This means you must have excellent grammar and no typo’s in the meta-tag. It should include at least two of your key-phrases. While the title of your site is critical in search results, an internet searcher will read the description to make their final decision on which site to click on.
Track where people on your site are going. When you determine where people are going, you know where you need to concentrate your efforts. If you have a restaurant, chances are people are checking out your menu. This lets you know that this is an area of your site that you need to keep fresh and updated.
Use your incoming links carefully. Search engines will actually look at who is linking to your site regularly, and if they are a quality website themselves. If the search engine does not recognize the linking website of one of high quality, then the website linking to you may take you down a notch in the search engine’s credibility standards.
Search engines hate frames, so if you need to use them make sure to include a noframes tag and to create a full version of your site for the noframes client. If the search engines spiders can’t read your site then you are never going to move anywhere in the ranks. Creating a noframes site will ensure that you can even be indexed in the search engine.
One of the more subtle efforts webmasters can make to optimize their sites for search engine performance is naming all of their image files descriptively. If search engines index image directories they are wasting their time if all of the pictures have generic titles. (e.g. “img_HSC_001.jpg”) Images with names like “louis-vuitton-bag-03.jpg,” on the other hand, contain keywords the search engines will pick up on.
Keep track of all of the traffic to your website. The very first day that you build your website, you should install tracking software that provides as much data about your visitors as possible. By tracking which keywords they are using to find your site and how they are behaving once they arrive, you can gauge which of your search engine optimization efforts are working and which could use some improvement.
For the best SEO results, remember to have a strong title tag. The title tag is easily one of the most potent tools a webmaster has at their disposal. Choose interesting keywords and consider the fact that the title will be read by both humans and search engines. A strong title tag is one of the keys to successful search engine optimization.
If the title of your page is very interesting, it still won’t help your ratings if it doesn’t include your keyword. Be sure to mention the keyword of your content once in the title of your page to make its subject clear to search engine bots and human beings. Also, remember to use your keyword in your META description of the page.
Use the H2 and H3 tags sparingly as they can trick search engine spiders into thinking your website is spam. The actual algorithms and mathematical equations used by search engines to determine page rank aren’t entirely known, but many believe they have at least a good idea. The space between header tags seems to be an indicator of a spam site, so only using one (H1) can avoid that problem entirely.
Never underestimate the power of the focus group when designing your site and determining the most effective SEO keywords. Compare the results across different site user demographics to identify all of the common denominators. This information can then be compared against the profile of your target market to make the final decision of which keywords to focus on.
When registering a domain, don’t block others from viewing your information. While this can be a tempting option from a privacy standpoint, it can hurt your search engine optimization efforts. Search engines tend to view pages owned by blocked domain registrars as scam artists and may not rank your site as well.
For the best SEO, be sure to use a domain name that contains your best target keywords. This will help people find you more easily and add to your organic search engine ratings as well as making you popular with search engine bots. Both your website title and your domain name should be keyword rich.
For increased success with regards to search engine optimization, you should use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) instead of <front> tags. CSS is much more preferred by search engines in determining how well your website ranks, so make sure that you implement it into every page on your website. It is an easy way to bump up your site.
Develop your SEO during the site creation. If you wait until after the site is designed and created to optimize the site to search engines, you will find that it is much more time-consuming and even quite a nuisance. Develop your SEO strategy and optimize as you create so your site is tailored from the start and there is no going back over your content.
Use these techniques to make sure that your website is ranking well and that people are seeing your website in search engine results. Because you want people to visit your website, or you’re just wasting your time. Use SEO to help your site gets noticed, and you’ll be able to share your website with everyone.
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If you have been marketing online for a few years online and have been doing SEO strategies in the past the information in this video will definitely sound familiar. I haven’t heard of many veteran Internet Marketers who didn’t get hit or didn’t get their websites knocked down a few positions or a few pages if not disappeared after some of the past Google updates. Watching this video also shows the importance of getting all the latest video trainings and information on what works now in the online business world.
Following to or three year old business models or training courses online could cause your business to fail rather than succeed online. We provide daily training webinars on online marketing,social media marketing and lots more up to date stuff . To help you build a successful online business even if you are a complete newbie who has never used the internet before. You can find out more by clicking the button below this video..
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With more than 80 percent share in the search engine market, Google is a force to reckon with in the industry. Internet marketers are tuned into each and every one of its moves. SEO tips speak about what Google does and how to reach the top spot.
Google keeps making changes to its algorithm in an endeavor to provide high quality search results to its users. Right now it is on a mission to combat web-spam.
Unethical practices in business continue as long as there are unscrupulous people in the world. It is always advisable to be on guard. Negative SEO is one such unethical and shameful practice that can have a huge negative impact on your online presence.
Simple put, negative SEO is the reverse of search engine optimization. The aim of negative SEO is to downgrade a website or blog on the search results. It can be accomplished by practices like link dropping, flooding a large quantity of links to the site and unauthorized 301 directs.
Here are a few tips on how to protect your website from negative SEO.
It is very important to monitor the performance of your website regularly (preferably daily). Analytics tools like Google Analytics help you immensely in this. Watch for sudden drop in traffic. It is a sure sign that something is wrong.
Check for decrease in conversions. Increase in bounce rate also calls for further investigation. Google webmaster tools allow you to set up email alerts. You will get emails when you have messages. You may set up for daily, monthly or yearly alerts.
Browse the site periodically. You may do it yourself or have someone do it for you. Check the search engine ranking for various keywords periodically. It is almost impossible to prevent sites from linking into your website. However it is definitely possible to track your links. People intending to harm your site usually use bad links.
Many link management tools like and Majestic SEO are available online. You need to be aware of the total number of links and root domains. If you notice major changes, you need to investigate further. It is also important to check backlinks positioning. Watch out for 301 redirects. definitely helps you in this endeavor.
Download the list of referring sites in your analytics package. You need to get this information for the last two months and for the last month. Remove the sites that are appearing twice. You are left with the new referring domains. You need to be thorough in your investigation at this stage. Watch for oddities. Remove low quality backlinks.
The best way to combat negative SEO is to build a site that is untouchable. It is always advisable to focus on building relationships instead of just focusing too much on ranking first for a specific keyword. Having said that keyword research is important, but it should be natural. Ensure that you have a well-developed backlink profile.
By following the above-mentioned guidelines, you will be able to combat negative SEO effectively.
A study report published in November 2011 by Webmarketing 123 takes an in-depth look at digital marketing focus and impact of SEO tactics on business. More than 500 B2B and B2C marketing professionals were surveyed as part of the study.
As per the study, 57 percent of B2B companies are of the opinion that SEO makes the biggest impact on their lead generation activities; 55 percent have converted the leads generated by social media; and social media is expected to see the biggest increase in investment this year.
It is very important to ensure that SEO is an integral part of the overall internet marketing strategy. Here are some SEO tactics and SEO how to for B2B websites owners.
It is advisable to work on achieving measurable goals. Any SEO how to strategy should be in line with the overall business goals. Matt Evans of says, “just focusing on SEO tactics without conveying the business value won’t get you very far”.
While it is true that lead generation and sales are the top priority, measuring the success of B2B SEO how to initiatives cover a range of key performance indicators. It is advisable to adapt a combination of metrics that would include organic search traffic, keyword visibility, lead generation and overall productivity.
B2B SEO how to experts recommend benchmarks like conversions from organic search engine traffic; breakdown of search traffic performance between branded, non-branded, and now “not provided” keyword search referrals; percentage of search traffic and traffic performance from core keyword strategies; and SEO trend analysis.
SEO impacts all facets of the digital marketing strategy. It also works the other way round. Successful internet marketers unearth these opportunities from all facets of marketing initiatives.
For instance, social media fosters relationships with publishers, bloggers and site owners. This invariably results in link opportunities for SEO. It is a good idea to make the most of this opportunity.
PPC initiatives uncover new keyword opportunities. These initiatives establish priorities across existing keyword strategies by way of conversion rates and traffic volumes.
It is indeed unfortunate that many businesses are not making the best use of social media. They are of the opinion that social media websites are not effective in delivering sales-ready leads.
It is important to note that internet marketing initiatives provide various levels of lead opportunities. It is a common knowledge that the B2B buying cycle involves problem identification, criteria creation, search, evaluation, test and selection, and procurement.
SEO and social media have the potential to generate leads during all phases of the buying process. It is important to have a lead management process in place. This helps in identifying and guiding prospects appropriately.
Advancement in technology has no doubt opened up new opportunities for B2B business owners. They can make the most of these opportunities by implementing the above mentioned SEO tactics.
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