When it comes to the subject of money, financial education is very important if you do not learn to control money. Then money will control you
The love of money is the root of all evil.
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
Robert T Kiyosaki
In school we learn that mistakes are bad, and we are punished for making them. Yet, if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by making mistakes. We learn to walk by falling down. If we never fell down, we would never walk.
Robert T Kiyosaki
Workers work hard enough to not be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won’t quit.
Robert T Kiyosaki
Whenever you feel ‘short’ or in ‘need’ of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity is true, and I give what I want.
Robert T Kiyosaki
Successful People Build Teams. These teams trample over individuals together people can do a lot more. All the most successful people in the world do and have build large teams.
The team building formula will show you the strategies you need to build your own powerful teams, so you can create more success in your life or business.
P.S. Building a business that can change your life rarely takes weeks or months in fact it takes years so if you are in it for the short term or looking big money today.. Then forget it go look for a high paying job..
And Most Importantly Always Have A Call To Action On Every Piece Of Content You Ever Produce If You Want To Get Paid..
The truth is when it comes to my business I only want people who are willing to do what it takes to make a lot of money in this business, So far I have made well over $30k online from this one business so far.
So I am looking for commitment what you will get in return is personal access to me over Skype, Facebook or even a personal visit whenever I am near your country or location. Just last week I visited one of my team members in Athens, Greece.
So if you are ready and committed to do what it takes to set up an online business then
Join at At Least the 15k Level if You want to make a lot of money..
If you are are happy with small $25 commissions then join at $25 but if you are then you are kinds of missing the potential of this business..
2 $1000 sales a month is a 2k a month monthly income and I guarantee you is a lot easier than making 80 x $25 sales a month.
In fact 30% of people who join go in at the $1000 level So 8 $25 sales a month will get you $2200 to $3200 of course if you join at the $25 level you pass up those 2 or 3 thousand dollar commissions as you didn’t own the $1000 product to sell it and it will go to me or one of my upline. The choice is entirely yours..
I have two team members who have lost in excess of $4000 commissions from not owning products the question is who will be next. Definetely not me:-)
My advice to you if you are serious about making money is
Anything you do in life would be pointless without a purpose, finding our purpose is a very important part of our journey in life. To me one of the things I love the most about what I do is the Freedom.My purpose is freedom,freedom to chose,freedom to be with my family,and freedom from the rat race. The first step in achieving freedom is believing in it.. If you want to experience freedom and levitate to another level..
P.S. Building a business that can change your life rarely takes weeks or months in fact it takes years so if you are in it for the short term or looking big money today.. Then forget it go look for a high paying job..
And Most Importantly Always Have A Call To Action On Every Piece Of Content You Ever Produce If You Want To Get Paid..
The truth is when it comes to my business I only want people who are willing to do what it takes to make a lot of money in this business, So far I have made well over $30k online from this one business so far.
So I am looking for commitment what you will get in return is personal access to me over Skype, Facebook or even a personal visit whenever I am near your country or location. Just last week I visited one of my team members in Athens, Greece.
So if you are ready and committed to do what it takes to set up an online business then
Join at At Least the 15k Level if You want to make a lot of money..
If you are are happy with small $25 commissions then join at $25 but if you are then you are kinds of missing the potential of this business..
2 $1000 sales a month is a 2k a month monthly income and I guarantee you is a lot easier than making 80 x $25 sales a month.
In fact 30% of people who join go in at the $1000 level So 8 $25 sales a month will get you $2200 to $3200 of course if you join at the $25 level you pass up those 2 or 3 thousand dollar commissions as you didn’t own the $1000 product to sell it and it will go to me or one of my upline. The choice is entirely yours..
I have two team members who have lost in excess of $4000 commissions from not owning products the question is who will be next. Definetely not me:-)
My advice to you if you are serious about making money is
Anything you do in life would be pointless without a purpose, finding our purpose is a very important part of our journey in life. To me one of the things I love the most about what I do is the Freedom.My purpose is freedom,freedom to chose,freedom to be with my family,and freedom from the rat race. The first step in achieving freedom is believing in it.. If you want to experience freedom and levitate to another level..