No Quit A Film About Tod O’Donnell
No Quit A Film About Tod O’Donnell

When it comes to anything in life your attitude really does determine your attitude. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a superhuman or tell everyone about positive thinking. What it means is you really need to think about your attitude because it is one of the most important factors on being successful. How you show up or how you treat your business will determine how successful you are.
It doesn’t matter what tools you are given or what money you win if you have the wrong attitude or mindset you will end up right back where you started. How do I change my attitude? You need to start surrounding yourselves with successful people. Reading books on success and personal development and above all Just Do It. Take the action steps none of the above steps will work if you don’t.
Forget the excuses about the economy limited time and BS. Just Do Tt.Don’t talk about all the reasons why it won’t work. Just Do It take the action do the work make the calls, post the ads Just Do It.Decide it will work start making it work Just Do It.
I Coach People online all the time, I don’t want to know what you haven’t done or what hasn’t worked. I want you to find out the action steps you need to take in your business and Just Do It, If you are not doing it you are wasting your precious time your life. So you gotta take the action steps required right now, if you want your life to change.Like Zig Ziglar says if you want things to change you got to change.
What have you done today to change your life? What books have you read? Who did you call? What action have you taken today? In fact now, towards the dream life that you wan’t. If you do not know what you want how will you ever get there. Imagine getting in to a taxi in a big city and when the driver asks where are you going. You say I don’t know, you could end up anywhere, or more likely he will drop you off at the side of the road and think you are a nut.
That is the way many people go through life, don’t be one of those decide on your dream life,dream house,dream partner,dream income and dream health, and start taking steps towards achieving it. The most important thing is to start and the second most important thing is to decide to never quit. And then my friend Just Do It..
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Art Williams – Just do it speech
Art Williams – Just do it speech